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Author |
Name | Ehms , Jule |
Research field | / |
Career stage | doctoral researcher |
Home university/institution | Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) |
Department/Research unit at home university/institution | History |
Chair/Working group at home institution | / |
International activity |
Country | Poland |
Location | Wroclaw |
University | Wroclaw University Library |
Fund Research School | PR.INT |
Type of activity | research stay |
Period | No dates specified |
Keywords | / |
Report | syndicalist Freie Arbeiter-Union Deutschlands. The sources on the FAUD a sparse. However, recently the survival of the syndicalist newspaper “Die Freiheit” in the university library of Wroclaw, has been discovered. My archive stay lasted one week in April. The communication with the staff of the library was not easy, but eventually I got access to all numbers available. Since duplication was allowed, the week was sufficient to peruse the entire material and to duplicate relevant articles. Unfortunately the newspaper did not address union matters too often. But nevertheless the source material of my work is now more profound. www.bu.uni.wroc.pl/en |