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Author |
Name | Beier , Raffael |
Research field | / |
Career stage | doctoral researcher |
Home university/institution | Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) |
Department/Research unit at home university/institution | IEE |
Chair/Working group at home institution | / |
International activity |
Country | India |
Location | Delhi |
University | / |
Fund Research School | PR.INT |
Type of activity | conference visit |
Period | No dates specified |
Keywords | / |
Report | Because of my Int.Mo.P funding from Research School, I had the opportunity to participate in the RC21 Conference 2019 that took place at the India Habitat Centre in Delhi, India. I presented the findings of my recently completed PhD in the session "Urban Displacement: Drivers, Impacts and Experiences", jointly organised by Alan Morris, University of Technology Sydney, and Paul Watt, Birkbeck, University of London. My presentation had the title "Bringing People Back to Centre – Dwellers’ Expectations and Experiences of Shantytown Resettlement in Casablanca." I got very much inspiring feedback on my research and it is likely that I will have the opportunity to publish in a special issue. https://rc21delhi2019.com |