RUB Research School

Com_01: ONLINE+PRESENCE Communication in Critical Situations

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Workshop day 1 online + day 2 in presence

Date: 03.03. online + 04.03.2025 in presence
Time: 10.00 - 17.00 hrs with flexible time schedules incl. breaks
Trainer: Kathrin Keune
Language: English
Participants: max. 12 persons
Credit Point: acknowledged with 0,75 CP for the doctoral training programme of RUB-RS Certificate

This workshop is particularly helpful for researchers who would like to advance their communication skills to deal with challenging and critical situations with confidence.

Course description

This communication workshop focuses on very concrete communication situations that occur in the life of every researcher concerning the following two areas:

  1. arguing and defending your research in Q&A settings and discussions
  2. one-on-one conversations with different conversation partners, such as supervisor, peers or collaboration partners

We will first analyse what critical situations are referring to the relevance of criticism in research and a highly self-critical mode every researcher should develop. Following this we will work on the underlying attitude and perspective a researcher needs to assume in critical situations to be able to manage the situation with confidence and clarity. It requires not only a specific mind-set but also the ability to reflect on one’s own hesitancies and restrictions.

This process leads to the next step of assessing and evaluating one’s role and responsibilities in such critical situations. Catering to the attached expectations of the roles and responsibilities gives way to the strategy and play range a person can assume in these situations.

With that in mind, we will dissect various communication situations taken from the two areas of concern (see above) to develop individual strategies for successful communication. Finally, we will summarise the repertoire gained in these simulations to create a “handbook” for the management of critical communication situations in science.

In the workshop you will:

  • analyse critical situations related to criticism in research
  • create a helpful attitude and generate clarity
  • reflect roles and responsibilities in different situation
  • develop communication strategies for arguing and defending your research
  • develop communication strategies for critical communication with various partners
  • create a handbook for dealing with critical situations

The workshop includes a holistic approach to learning. It provides necessary theoretical input, group work, active discussion and also artsbased exercises. Thus, learning experiences are generated by engaging in problem-solving activities. This is crucial since communicating well needs to be practiced beyond the theoretical understanding. This we will do.

What previous participants say

"The trainer was skilled and empowering, very attentive and motivating."

"The ability of the trainer to tailor responses and advice to my own personal traits."

Kathrin Keune, consultant and performing artist, holds a Master’s degree in Expressive Arts Therapy, Coaching and Education and earned a B.A. in the performing arts. She worked in a San Diego based medical research laboratory throughout her 6 year stay in Southern California, USA. Kathrin offered trainings on scientific presentation and communication at different American and German universities. She still performs at different venues in Germany.

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