RUB Research School

Pr_02: PRESENCE Scientific presentation and individual performance: Make a lasting impression in science

For researchers from Life, Natural and Engineering Sciences | First presentation experience

Workshop in Person
Date: 24.-26.03.2025 
Time: 10.00 - 17.00 hrs with flexible schedule and breaks
Trainer: Kathrin Keune
Language: English
Participants: max. 12 persons
Credit Point: acknowledged with 1 CP for the doctoral training programme of RUB RS Certificate

Course description
This training is designed to improve the individual performance and the practice of giving convincing scientific presentations. On the first day, you will work on designing your storyline and the opening of your scientific talk. In small groups, you will give each other feedback, which is enhanced by the trainer. Body language will be explored through guidance by the trainer, feedback sharing and finally do's and dont's. 

The second and third day are practice days. You will explore voice techniques and several spontaneous presentations to apply and use body language and a good storyline in an effective way.


  • Basic “hardware” - Storyline and Opening
  • Body Language + Use of Voice
  • Connection to the audience
  • Dealing with nervousness
  • Bringing content alive - giving a memorable impression

What previous participants said

"My expectations weren’t met because I thought this workshop would be a waste of time. But it wasn’t it was interesting, informative und I had a lot of fun!"

"It was a great experience of my body language and needs. It helped me develop my skills and self."

"This really helped me find and develop my own style in a way that still fits to science, it is exactly what I needed!!"

Kathrin Keune, consultant and performing artist, holds a Master’s degree in Expressive Arts Therapy, Coaching and Education and earned a B.A. in the performing arts. She worked in a San Diego based medical research laboratory throughout her 6 year stay in Southern California, USA. Kathrin offered trainings on scientific presentation and communication at different American and German universities. 

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