RUB Research School

Pr_09: PRESENCE Voice and Body Language: Communicating with Authenticity and Accuracy

For doctoral researchers from all research fields | Level all

Workshop in Presence
Date: 12.-13.11.2025
Time: 09.00 - 17.00 hrs with flexible schedule and breaks
Trainer: Ric Oquita
Language: English
Participants: max. 12 persons
Credit Point: acknowledged with 0,75 CP for the doctoral training programme of RUB RS Certificate

This workshop supports the professional development of voice and body language.

Course description
The workshop focuses on voice and body training, because physical and vocal dynamics are connected to the speaker’s motivation as well as to the impact and importance of the information being communicated. The trainer with a professional theatre background works with the participants on verbal challenges, giving attention to breath, articulation, intonation, volume, modulation and tempo. Participants will get feedback and coaching how to improve non- verbal aspects such as gesture, positioning, distance, eye contact and relationship with media. 

The first day begins with the foundations of vocal technique followed by practice. Participants will investigate strategies to build pauses into public speaking to optimize both breath, clarity and structure. This is followed by a look at enhancing non-verbal delivery and connecting thought to breath trained with free speaking exercises. In the afternoon, participants will have an opportunity to apply the techniques to a short talk of 5 minutes or less. 

The second day begins with a review and continues to build technique. The morning session is tailored to the groups needs with a look at stress management, free speaking exercises. The afternoon will mirror the first day, with individualized practice sessions and coaching.

Contents of the workshop

  • exercises to identify vocal and physical strengths & challenges
  • strengthen and release tension in voice and body
  • identify the dynamics between voice and body
  • make conscious vocal choices to communicate with clarity and precision
  • use eye contact to make points
  • underline key ideas with fluid gestures
  • stress-management while speaking
  • adopt strategies to use the potential of technical equipment and physical objects 

Participants monitor their improvement and implement feedback with active role-play exercises in which they present in various scenarios such as academic presentation to a large and small audience, informal meetings, interviews and teaching situations. They will be supported by group coaching and individual feedback.

Ric Oquita holds a Master of Fine Arts (Cornell University) and is a professional actor. He is specialized in communication and presentation techniques, helping professionals and academics for more than ten years to give convincing and motivating oral presentations at international conferences, meetings and lectures.

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