RUB Research School

Pr_12: Online self-study crash course: Research data visualization

For doctoral researchers from all research fields | Level all

Self-study course

Date & Time: at any time 
Trainer: Martins Zaumanis, Ph.D
Language: English
Persons: we can offer 8 individual participations in this crash course
Credit Point: acknowledged with 0,75 CP for the doctoral training programme of RUB RS Certificate

How to participate:
You will work through this self-study course yourself following your own time and workflow. With the registration you will have full access to the course. After completing the course you will get a confirmation of participation. Please only register for the course if you are interested to complete it. You will get the access information after your registration and confirmation of participation.

Course description
In this online self-study crash course, you will learn to efficiently visualize research data and to consciously create data charts. It offers a systematic approach to creating data visualizations by using a proven eight-step approach. Convincing data charts and clear communication of your research results will give you a chance to make an impact with your research. Videos and practical exercises combine theory and practice and the eBook sums up the course content.

The E-Learning course guides you to:

  • select chart type
  • demonstrate variability
  • highlight the message
  • label the data
  • add annotations
  • make visual order
  • test if your data tell a story

The course is designed and offered by:
Martins Zaumanis, Ph.D is a tenured material scientist at EMPA in Switzerland. He received his PhD as a Fulbright scholar at WPI, Massachusetts. Before that, he pursued his Master’s thesis at TU Denmark and received a Bachelor of Science degree at TU Riga. He has authored many scientific publications and actively communicates his research through videos and social networks and has been a TED conference presenter. 

Please click here to register for the workshop: REGISTRATION

After you logged in for the registration you can identify the workshop by the first four characters (e.g. Wr_01, Pr_01) together with title and date.