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- Förderprogramme zur Internationalisierung
- International Realization Budget
- Aim & Eligibility
The idea of the IRB is to provide you with flexibility in case you plan international activities but are still uncertain about the specific timeframe or composition of these activities at the time of application!
The IRB is a grant of 7.500 € that can be used for various kinds of international outgoing activities during the time of your doctorate:
• research stays at international research institutions
• field research
• participation in international conferences, workshops, or summer schools
We want to increase your flexibility and support your early independence. That's why our grantees can use the IRB according their individual needs. We expect our IRB scholarship holders will handle it sensibly and responsibly. This enables doctoral researchers to choose suitable activities (also on short notice) that benefit their research and career. For example, if you are spontaneously invited to visit a collaboration partner, you can immediately accept the invitation and just have to submit your bills and financial documents to RUB Research School after finishing the activity.
Who can apply for an IRB?
- Master students can apply within their final semester. If you have not been accepted as a doctoral researcher by your faculty yet, you have to submit a letter of your future supervisor confirming the supervision and the estimated start of the doctorate.
- Doctoral researchers during their first year of the doctorate. The time between the acceptance as a doctoral researcher (letter of acceptance by the faculty) and the decision on your IRB grant should not exceed 12 months.
Please note that the first activity can be carried out only once you have already started your doctorate!
- Forschungsbezogene Kompetenzen: Workshops & Veranstaltungen
- Karrierevorbereitung: Workshops & Veranstaltungen
- Forschungsmanagement Skills: Workshops & Veranstaltungen
- Liste aller Workshops & Veranstaltungen
- Förderprogramme zur Internationalisierung
- Beratung & Ombudsperson
- Promovierenden-Datenbank
- Welcome Hour
- Newsletter
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