RUB Research School

Research School on the Move

Creating International Networks for Our Early Career Researchers

[This page is available in English only as it addresses international researchers]

Our international research markting acivities have taken our staff all around the globe. We have successfully organized events and workshops with a focus on early career researchers, we are regularly present at career fairs and conferences giving expert talks and workshops, and we enjoy constant exchange with international colleagues from international universities and organizations to continuously improve our offerings and programs. This all helped us develop a strong and reliable international network with excellent partners from different areas. All of us share one common goal: empowering early career researchers all around the world!


Our workshops all around the world

We have (co-)organized events and workshops with the following partners:

Our attendance at career fairs and networking events

We regularly represent RUB Research School and Ruhr-Universität Bochum at career fairs and conferences, often under the Research in Germany brand.

Our exchange with international experts

Beyond the discussions with our International Advisory Board, we enjoy constant exchange with colleagues from international universities and organizations to continuously improve our offerings and programs:

Next chance to meet! (copy 1)

March 22-23
Santiago de Chile
PhD & Postdoc Workshop at DAAD Chile

March 27
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Postdoc Workshop

April 19-20
Visit to Ilia State University and DAAD Georgia
with UA Ruhr Liaison Officer Elena Resch

April 27
Online with DWIH Tokyo
Virtual Research Career Fair for PhD and postdocs

August 25-27
GAIN conference in Boston, USA

Matchmaking at DWIH Tokyo



Workshop in Brazil
Ihr Kontakt:

Dr. Jörn Benzinger