- Sie sind hier:
- Startseite
- Promovierende
- Förderprogramme zur Internationalisierung
- International Realization Budget
- Review Criteria & Process
Review Criteria & Process
Review Criteria
Submitted applications have to be formally complete and comprehensible for non- experts.
Review criteria concerning the applicant:
- Final grade of the master studies (if available) or Transcript of Records
- Prizes, stipends
- Additional skills and qualifications, panel memberships
- Publication list (if applicable)
- Teaching experience (if applicable)
Review criteria concerning the internationalization concept:
- Impact of your internationalization concept on your doctorate
- Scientific quality and general significance of the internationalization concept
- Impact of your international concept on your international network & visibility
- Sustainable impact of the international concept on RUB’s international network & visibility
Review Process
Your application will be reviewed by two members of Research School’s Early Career Researchers Board (ECR Board). Based on these reviews, our Executive Board will decide which applicants will be invited to present their internationalization concepts at a colloquium. This will take place with members of the ECR Board and the Executive Board. Based on the funding recommendation given by the ECR-Board after the colloquium, the Executive Board will make the final decision
- Forschungsbezogene Kompetenzen: Workshops & Veranstaltungen
- Karrierevorbereitung: Workshops & Veranstaltungen
- Forschungsmanagement Skills: Workshops & Veranstaltungen
- Liste aller Workshops & Veranstaltungen
- Förderprogramme zur Internationalisierung
- Beratung & Ombudsperson
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- Welcome Hour
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