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MIRA - Map of International Research Activities

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Location International Research Institution RUB Faculty, Institute Type of activity Name Career stage Outgoing/Incoming Time Frame Country for search report copartner researchfield chairhome chair keywords description
Sao Paulo, Brazil University of Sao Paulo, / Chemistry and Biochemistry research stay Abel , Laura doctoral researcher Outgoing BRA My PhD project is focused on the development of the immune system during aging and should clarify, if there exists a connection between neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson's disease and the formation of special antibodies, which are directed against agents that are naturally occuring in the body, so called autoantibodies. During March and April 2014 I got the opportunity to work in the laboratory of the Brazilian Aging Brain Study Group, which is part of Brazil's most famous Medical School, located at the University of Sao Paulo. As I am looking for autoantibodies against special brain cells, which could be used as diagnosic tool for Parkinson's disease, I learned how to prepare human brain tissue samples for my studies. I lived in an international guesthouse and met people from all over the world. Together we experienced Sao Paulo and tried nearly all the Brazilian sweets available. It was a great time. / / / /
Chicago, United States /, Society for Neuroscience (SfN) Medicine conference visit Aarse , Janna doctoral researcher Outgoing USA The support of the Research School PLUS allowed us to invite three internationally leading scientists to a symposium that we hosted at the RUB. Our guests stayed for several days, a time filled with interesting presentations, brainstorming sessions and stimulating discussions. Following this, we attended the Society for Neuroscience meeting (SfN) in Chicago. There we had the chance to present our research to the neuroscience community and attend high-quality talks, as well as meet our guests again, through which we made new contacts with scientists working on related topics. Looking back, this undertaking has been a great way to take first steps onto the platform of international research. / Department of Neurophysiology / /
Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil /, WCIPT Electrical Engineering and Information Technology research stay Abrolat , Jan Christoph doctoral researcher Outgoing BRA With this RS+ package application, two international conference visits and one research stay were realized. The conference participation at the World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography allowed the presentation of our research results to a highly specialized international audience. The following research stay at KROHNE Altometer was utilized to explore cooperation opportunities with an industrial manufacturer. Furthermore, the participation at the IEEE Sensors enabled the presentation of our results to international scientists working in a broader research area. In summary, the package application allowed for a wide extension of our international research network. / Institute of Electronic Circuits / /
Istanbul, Turkey Kadir Has University, / IEE conference visit Addis , Annalisa doctoral researcher Outgoing TUR Thanks to funding granted from the Research School PLUS, I attendedthe World Conference of Humanitarian Studies (WCHS) in Istanbul.It was the first time I was able to participate inthis major conference in the field of humanitarian studies,and also the last before the end of my doctoral studies, as it is held every two years. The conference gathered over three hundredparticipantsfrom all over the world, including leading scholars whose works are listed in my thesis’ bibliography, but also fellow doctoral students and early-stage researchers, experienced field practitioners as well aspolicy consultants and policy makers. I was able to expandmyown network of contacts, and to receivevaluable feedback on theresearchI presented together with my professor. What is more, the editor of a relevant journal attended the panel we were presenting in, and he launched the idea of a special issue including contributions from some of the panellists. While it is early to say whether our paper will be included in the publication, for sure we would not have had this opportunity, if we had not attended the conference. / / / /
St. Andrews, United Kingdom /, Society of Biblical Literature Catholic Theology conference visit Agbagnon , Kodjo Mawunedi doctoral researcher Outgoing GBR / / / /
Grenoble, France /, ISTerre: Institut des Sciences de la Terre Geosciences conference visit Ahrens , Benedikt doctoral researcher Outgoing FRA The financial support from the Research School Plus enabled me to present my first scientific output on the internationally acclaimed 10th Euroconference on Rock Physics and Rock Mechanics in Aussois (Rhone-Alpes region in south-eastern France) in May 2014 . I have just started my Ph.D.-project and especially at such an early phase it was very important to participate at such a conference to understand academic and scientific problems, approaches and communications. The given presentations in neighboring fields allowed me to broaden my horizon. Also I largely benefited from discussions with international experts, who are working on the same topics as I do. Their feedback is highly motivating and this helps me to pursue my own research. All in all, it was a magnificent experience and opportunity to state my views and to get the mostup to date state of relevant research studies. / Institute for Geology, Mineralogy and Geophysics / /
Munich, Germany Technische Universität München, / Electrical Engineering and Information Technology conference visit Al Kadi, Muhammed doctoral researcher Outgoing DEU I did not only presented my poster in FPL'14 but also used the chance to inform myself about recent research activities that are similar to mine. In FPL'14 I could establish a very important contact and get valuable feedback about my research from a pioneer researcher. I got also some new ideas from other talks that I will integrate into my work. This conference was a very good chance to redirect my research activities. / / / /
Dordrecht, Netherlands /, KROHNE Altometer Electrical Engineering and Information Technology conference visit Abrolat , Jan Christoph doctoral researcher Outgoing NLD With this RS+ package application, two international conference visits and one research stay were realized. The conference participation at the World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography allowed the presentation of our research results to a highly specialized international audience. The following research stay at KROHNE Altometer was utilized to explore cooperation opportunities with an industrial manufacturer. Furthermore, the participation at the IEEE Sensors enabled the presentation of our results to international scientists working in a broader research area. In summary, the package application allowed for a wide extension of our international research network. / Institute of Electronic Circuits / /
Orlando, United States /, IEEE Sensors 2016 Electrical Engineering and Information Technology conference visit Abrolat , Jan Christoph doctoral researcher Outgoing USA With this RS+ package application, two international conference visits and one research stay were realized. The conference participation at the World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography allowed the presentation of our research results to a highly specialized international audience. The following research stay at KROHNE Altometer was utilized to explore cooperation opportunities with an industrial manufacturer. Furthermore, the participation at the IEEE Sensors enabled the presentation of our results to international scientists working in a broader research area. In summary, the package application allowed for a wide extension of our international research network. / Institute of Electronic Circuits / /
Toronto, Canada /, Communications Group in Bahen research centre Electrical Engineering and Information Technology research stay Alameer , Ahmad Alaa doctoral researcher Outgoing CAN My Phd focus is on cloud radio access networks for next generation of wireless networks 5G. During the fall semester 2017 I have got the opportunity to visit the communication group at university of Toronto. During my visit I learned a lot on the recent techniques and standards used to optimise the work of cloud radio access networks. I also had fruitful discussions with colleagues there which helped me to developed new ideas in the field. After my research sty in Toronto I joined a conference where I presented the most recent results I obtained during my stay there where I also had the opportunity to discuss with international research community. / Digital communication systems / /
Oklahoma, United States University of Oklahoma, / Civil and Environmental Engineering research stay Al-Anbaki , Usama doctoral researcher Outgoing USA I have visited the University of Oklahoma OU in the United States for 2 months between March and April 2014. The aim of the trip was to perform tests in the laboratory of Professor Gerald Miller and also to exchange knowledge and experience and to get valuable feedback to improve my research topic. I had the chance to follow scientific lectures, and to join presentations and academic meetings which were very useful. From other hand, I had great time enjoying the atmosphere inside the campus joining the sport events, musical consorts, and the activities offered by the graduate college. I also visit Professor Jorge Zornberg at the University of Texas at Austin. I had a discussion with him about my research topic and visited his experimental laboratory and received valuable feedback and literature about my research topic. The whole experience in the United States was positive and helpful to my research and valuable personal experience as well. I am very grateful and appreciative for the help and support from the research school. / / / /
Honolulu, United States Univerity of Hawai'i at Manoa , / Physics and Astronomy research stay Albrecht , Malte doctoral researcher Outgoing USA The grant from RSPlus enabled me to realize a very fruitful research stay at the University of Hawai'i (UH) in fall 2014. The physicists at UH as well as the group here at RUB are part of an international collaboration called BES-III, which is operating a particle detector located at an electron-positron accelerator in Beijing, China. One of the goals of this experiment is to search for yet unobserved ("exotic") particles. During my stay I was able to analyze data from the BES-III experiment with the help of the experts at UH. The project I carried out is an important addition to my studies here in Bochum and I could greatly benefit from the knowledge and support of the team at UH. / Experimental Hadron Physics / /
Raleigh, United States /, American Physical Society, Gaseous Electronics Conference 2014 Electrical Engineering and Information Technology conference visit Alexejev , Alexander doctoral researcher Outgoing USA The goal of the trip was to attend a international conference for the first time. For me it was a first opportunity to discuss my research internationally, which surely will help me further in my project. / ETIT/ AEPT / /
Barcelona, Spain /, International Federation of Operational Research Societies Economics conference visit Armborst , Kathrin doctoral researcher Outgoing ESP The International Conference IFORS 2014 - The art of modeling - was the 20th conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS) and was held in Barcelona, Spain. Invited by Luce Brotcorne, senior researcher and chair of the session Revenue Management and Pricing, I submitted an abstract which was accepted after going through a competitive review process. At the conference I gave a talk on 'Optimization of flight business travel procurement'. It was a great opportunity for me to present results and applications of my dissertation to a top international audience at IFORS 2014. Numerous discussions with researchers and practitioners revealed great interest in my research activities and confirmed the importance of my decision support system and its significant impact on minimization of flight business travel expenses and corporate's success. / / / /
Muscat, Oman Sultan Qaboos University, / Chemistry and Biochemistry research stay Arnolds , Oliver doctoral researcher Outgoing OMN The funding granted by the Research School PLUS allowed me to travel to Dublin and attend the XXVIII ICMRBS in August 2018, the largest international conference for magnetic resonance in biological systems. Attending this conference not only enabled me to present my research to peers but also gave me great insight and inspiration for my further research. In October 2018, I was then able to visit the Sultan Qaboos University in Muscat, where I was introduced to fluorescence spectroscopy as well as a to me completely unknown culture. This experience and the chance to meet with scientists from different fields and cultures really broadened my horizon, both scientifically as well as personally. / / / /
Princeton, United States /, American Physical Society Electrical Engineering and Information Technology conference visit Arshadi , Ali doctoral researcher Outgoing USA / / / /
Vienna, Austria /, The Austrian State Archives (Österreichisches Staatsarchiv) History research stay Arslan , Calik Zeynep doctoral researcher Outgoing AUT My purpose with the realized Vienna project was mainly to produce primary data for my PhD dissertation by reaching unedited and unknown sources. I can safely state that I have accomplished a considerable amount of the tasks that I set out to carry out in Vienna and thereby I have completed the third and at the same time the most challenging stage of my doctoral study schedule’s source collection part. Through this project, I was able to obtain the data in the Austrian State Archives —namely, manuscripts and archival documents— for which no remote access is available. Thus, I have got the chance to employ Viennese archives as well for my doctoral dissertation. / History_Center for Mediterranean Studies / /
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia /, International Water Management Institute IEE research stay Assefa , Micheal Tsegay doctoral researcher Outgoing ETH Research school plus funded research stay at IFPRI (International Food Policy Research Institute) in Addis Ababa, which includes data collection activities, was invaluable for my PhD thesis and overall career development. The six months research stay and data collection time exposed me to enormous theoretical as well as practical knowledge and skills relevant to my dissertation. The formal and informal contacts throughout my stay with IFPRI staff in general and Dr. Guush Berhane in particular helped me a lot in many ways. Discussions on the data collection process, data management and data analysis tools were the most important gains from my stay in the institute. Discussions with researchers from IWMI (International Water Management Institute) were also very helpful in many activities accomplished during the research stay and data collection period. On the whole, my stay was very educational and helpful for my thesis and future research networking. / / / /
White Plains, NY, United States /, Burke Medical Research Center-Weill Cornell Medical College Chemistry and Biochemistry research stay Athanasopoulos , Panagiotis doctoral researcher Outgoing USA During my PhD in Bochum, my work was focused on identifying sodium selenate (s.s) as a potential therapeutic target of Parkinson’s Disease (PD) through the activation of the Protein Phosphatase 2A (PP2A). A reason for that could be that PP2A has been shown by others to enhance the Ras pathway whose activation is neuroprotective for diseases such as PD and also Glaucoma. During my visit in US I was interested in investigating whether s.s could activate the Ras pathway locally in the eye region of glaucoma-mice models. Our initial data support this hypothesis and suggest that s.s. could be a chemical compound that could be potentially be used for glaucoma patient treatment. / / / /
Atlanta, United States /, Georgia Institute of Technology Psychology conference visit Aust , Frederik doctoral researcher Outgoing USA The Cognitive Aging Conference is a competitive conference that is attended by over 400 researchers from around the world. Visiting this conference allowed me to present my research to an international audience of experts on cognitive aging. My collaborator from the University of South Florida Dr. Edwards introduced me to leading researchers of my field. During the discussions with these colleagues, I received helpful suggestions that have greatly improved the validity of my findings. Meeting with Dr. Edwards personally also provided an opportunity to discuss the outline of our manuscript, which we plan to submit in the coming months. Dr. Edwards, furthermore, extended an invitation to visit her laboratory to conduct further research. All things considered, the attendance of the conference was a very valuable experience and a great opportunity to discuss my work with researchers from all over the world---I am grateful I was given this opportunity. / / / /
Suzhou, China /, CSH-Asia.or. Physics and Astronomy conference visit Bachler , Peter doctoral researcher Outgoing CHN International conference on small GTPases , their mechanisms and ground-lying interactions and applications. / / / /
Suzhou, China /, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences Physics and Astronomy conference visit Bachler , Peter doctoral researcher Outgoing CHN / / / /
Orlando, United States /, National Radio Science Meeting Electrical Engineering and Information Technology conference visit Baer , Christoph doctoral researcher Outgoing USA / / / /
Queenstown, New Zealand /, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Electrical Engineering and Information Technology conference visit Baer , Christoph doctoral researcher Outgoing NZL The RS+ funding enabled my participation at the 'Sensors Application Symposium 2014' hold in Queenstown, New Zealand. Presenting my latest research results in front of international experts in the field of sensor design and applications was a great oppurtunity to raise international reputation. Furthermore, discussing state of the art sensor technologies with experts from different fields was an excellent way to get in contact with potential collaboration partners for future research projects. / / / /
Palm Beach, Aruba /, International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications Electrical Engineering and Information Technology conference visit Baer , Christoph doctoral researcher Outgoing ABW The funding of RS+ enabled my participation at the 'International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications' hold in Palm Beach, Aruba. Beeing invited to this conference and presenting my latest research results in front of international experts in the field of electromagnetics was excellent to gain international reputation. Further discussions on research topics at RUB as well as closely connected research topics from other international universities were fertile and might lead international collaboration projects in the future. / / / /
Rome, Italy /, EUMA Electrical Engineering and Information Technology conference visit Baer , Christoph doctoral researcher Outgoing ITA The RS+ funding enabled my participation at the 'European Microwave Week 2014' hold in Rome, Italy. Taking part at the largest microwave conference in Europe and presenting my latest research results in front of international experts in the field of electromagnetics was excellent to gain international reputation. Further discussions on research topics at RUB as well as closely connected research topics from other international universities were fertile and will lead to international collaboration projects in the future. / Institute of Electronic Circuits / /
Singapore, Singapore /, Asia-Pacific Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering Society Mechanical Engineering conference visit Baer , Sebastian doctoral researcher Outgoing SGP / Institut for Product and Service Engineering / /
Singapore, Singapore /, International Congress on Ultrasonics Mechanical Engineering conference visit Baer , Sebastian doctoral researcher Outgoing SGP / Institute of Product and Service Engineering / /
Dublin, Ireland /, XXVIII ICMRBS Chemistry and Biochemistry conference visit Arnolds , Oliver doctoral researcher Outgoing IRL The funding granted by the Research School PLUS allowed me to travel to Dublin and attend the XXVIII ICMRBS in August 2018, the largest international conference for magnetic resonance in biological systems. Attending this conference not only enabled me to present my research to peers but also gave me great insight and inspiration for my further research. In October 2018, I was then able to visit the Sultan Qaboos University in Muscat, where I was introduced to fluorescence spectroscopy as well as a to me completely unknown culture. This experience and the chance to meet with scientists from different fields and cultures really broadened my horizon, both scientifically as well as personally. / / / /
Melbourne, Australia Monash University, / Social Science research stay Bakhshizadeh , Marziyeh doctoral researcher Outgoing AUS Monash University organized an international conference on “the Transnational and the Transgenerational in Central and West Asia and their Diasporas” in March 2015 in Melbourne. Fortunately, with the support of Research School Plus I was able to participate in this event and present a part of outcomes of my dissertation which resulted in very constructive feedback from other delegates, who include leading researchers in social science as well as other fields from around the world. Furthermore, I have been able to meet some leading professors in my field at Monash, Melbourne, and Sydney University and discussed my specific research interests.I am grateful to RS for this opportiy. / / / /
Arequipa, Peru /, World Resource Forum 2014 Mechanical Engineering conference visit Bakir , Dennis doctoral researcher Outgoing PER Financial support from the Research School PLUS enabled my participation in the Word Resource Forum 2014. Over 1,000 participants coming from 40 countries and international organizations attended and actively contributed to the World Resources Forum 2014 in Arequipa, Peru, 20-22 October 2014. It was a unique opportunity to get to know other active researchers and their various lines of study. For sure, this will also help to establish new international cooperations. / Chair of Production Systems / /
San Francisco, United States /, SPIE -The International Society for Optics and Photonics Electrical Engineering and Information Technology conference visit Balzer , Jan doctoral researcher Outgoing USA The aim of my research is the development of a compact, easy to use and cost effective source for ultra short laser pulses. Ultra short laser pulses have a wide range of applications, like ultrafast spectroscopy, material processing, biomedical imaging and tattoo removal. In order to present my latest research I visited the Photonics West Conference in San Francisco. The Photonics West is one of the most influential event for the laser and photonics community and hence an excellent platform to make new contacts and see advances on the field of my research. I got some good ideas how to improve by experimental setup from a researcher from France. In addition I was able to make contact with a person from a Scottish company, who was very interested in my laser source. In summary it can be said that the conference was both a professional and a personal success. / / / /
Davis, California , United States University of California, Davis & University of Delaware, Newark, / Civil and Environmental Engineering research stay Barciaga , Thomas doctoral researcher Outgoing USA My doctoral work is focussed on the influence of the complex mechanical behavior of soft soils on mechanized tunneling processes. Precise prognoses for the settlements of the ground surface require an adequate constitutive model. To improve my constitutive soil model, I applied for an international research exchange program in the US. It took place between February and May, 2014. I worked with Prof. Dafalias (Chair for Structural Mechanics and Geomechanics at the University of California, Davis) and Prof. Kaliakin (Chair for Geotechnical Engineering at the University of Delaware), as they are leading scientists in the field of computational geomechanics. Furthermore, they are the developers of a plasticity theory, which is the basis for my evolutionarily formulated constitutive soil model. The collaboration resulted in the extension of my model to a more sophisticated model, as well as its efficient numerical implementation to a finite element code. / / / /
Vancouver, Canada University of British Columbia, Department of Civil Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering research stay Barciaga , Thomas doctoral researcher Outgoing CAN In the framework of my doctoral work on complex mechanical behavior of structured soils with application to mechanized tunneling processes, I undertook a research stay with Prof. Taiebat at UBC in Vancouver, Canada (February/March 2015). It was the continuation of the international research project with Prof. Dafalias (UCDavis) and Prof. Kaliakin (UDel) on adequate constitutive modeling of natural soil behavior, funded by RUB Research School Plus in the beginning of 2014. The collaboration with Prof. Taiebat resulted in successful numerical implementation, calibration and validation of a sophisticated constitutive soil model using an innovative approach. / Chair of Foundation Engineering, Soil and Rock Mechanics / /
Strasbourg, France University of Strasbourg, / Philosophy and Educational Research research stay Barile , Davide doctoral researcher Outgoing FRA What is the political and philosophical meaning of the Anthropocene? I tried to answer this question during my research stay at the University of Strasbourg, from May 1st to September 30th, and the relevant holdings of the local university libraries (among which the recently renewed National and University Library) allowed me to gather useful material not just on this matter, but also in order to complete my doctoral dissertation. Furthermore, my experience got enhanced by discussing my research with Professors Fischbach and Rogozinski and by getting interested in the activities of the Amicale de Philosophie. I am thankful to the RS for this meaningful opportunity. / / / /
Wachtberg, Germany /, Fraunhofer-Institut für Hochfrequenzphysik und Radartechnik FHR Electrical Engineering and Information Technology workshop/summer school Barowski , Jan doctoral researcher Outgoing DEU / / / /
New Orleans, United States /, 255th ACS National Meeting Chemistry and Biochemistry conference visit Barwe , Stefan postdoc Outgoing USA I got the possibility to attend one of the largest conferences for chemists. The large diversity of symposia allowed me to get an interesting insight invarious disciplines and broadened my personal view for future projects. / / / /
Okinawa, Japan /, Symposium on Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Chemistry and Biochemistry conference visit Battistel , Alberto doctoral researcher Outgoing JPN / / / /
Lausanne, Switzerland /, Laboratoire d’électrochimie physique et analytique (LEPA) at the Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) Chemistry and Biochemistry research stay Battistel , Alberto postdoc Outgoing CHE Title: Study of the dynamic gas-electrolyte interface at hydrogen evolving catalyst layers for energy conversion by means of scanning electrochemical microscopy / / / /
Melbourne, Australia Monash University, / Social Science conference visit Bakhshizadeh , Marziyeh doctoral researcher Outgoing AUS Monash University organized an international conference on “the Transnational and the Transgenerational in Central and West Asia and their Diasporas” in March 2015 in Melbourne. Fortunately, with the support of Research School Plus I was able to participate in this event and present a part of outcomes of my dissertation which resulted in very constructive feedback from other delegates, who include leading researchers in social science as well as other fields from around the world. Furthermore, I have been able to meet some leading professors in my field at Monash, Melbourne, and Sydney University and discussed my specific research interests.I am grateful to RS for this opportiy. / / / /
Dubrovnik, Croatia /, The Diversity of Human Rights Law conference visit Ackermann , Tobias doctoral researcher Outgoing HRV I participated in the long-standing annual course on The Diversity of Human Rights with this year's focus on Human Rights and Security. I presented parts of my doctoral research (on the protection of property in crises) and received fruitful feedback from other participants. I further greatly benefited from other talks, presenting different perspectives and combining legal and philosophical approaches and issues. / IFHV / /
Jerusalem, Israel /, Israel Democracy Institute Law conference visit Ackermann , Tobias doctoral researcher Outgoing ISR I attended the IDI's workshop on Proportionality and Civilian Casualties in Asymmetrical Armed Conflicts. It was a very interesting conference, with various high profile researchers and practitioners that gave new insights in the practical application of international humanitarian law. / Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict / /
Hamburg, Germany /, Bucerius Law School Law conference visit Ackermann , Tobias doctoral researcher Outgoing DEU I gave a presentation at the Bucerius Law Journal Conference on International Investment Law and Arbitration on parts of my doctoral research, received new input, and got a publication opportunity. The very international audience and collegues have given me new ideas. / Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict / /
Frankfurt am Main, Germany Goethe University, / Law conference visit Ackermann , Tobias doctoral researcher Outgoing DEU I gave a presentation at the 17th graduate reunion on International Economic Law on my doctoral research, received new inputs, and got a publication opportunity. / Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict / /
Frankfurt, Germany Goethe University, / Law conference visit Ackermann , Tobias doctoral researcher Outgoing DEU I attended the Frankfurt Investment Law Workshop 2016, titled ICSID at 50: Investment Arbitration as a Motor of General International Law? Highly eminent and young international scholars gave presentations on investment law. I gained a better understanding of that field of law which will be highly important for my dissertation. / Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict / /
Washington D.C., United States /, Jessup International Law Moot Court & ASIL Conference Law conference visit Ackermann , Tobias doctoral researcher Outgoing USA I judged at the international rounds of the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competitions, thereby deepening my understanding of Public International Law (in particular Human Rights). I met practicioners and scholars with whom I plan to cooperate in the future. Also, I attended the Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law and received input directly relevant to my doctoral project. / Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict / /
New York City, United States Columbia University and Yale University , / Law conference visit Ackermann , Tobias doctoral researcher Outgoing USA I attented a presentation at Columbia University and gained new insights regarding my dissertation. Afterwards, I presented a paper at the Doctoral Scholarship Conference on an international law topic. The conference gave me the opportunity to meet with interesting people from around the world and discuss research ideas. Altogether, the trip gave me important input for my professional work - with regard to my doctoral project and beyond. / Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict / /
Jerusalem, Israel /, Israel Democracy Institute Law conference visit Ackermann , Tobias doctoral researcher Outgoing ISR I attended the IDI's workshop on Proportionality and Civilian Casualties in Asymmetrical Armed Conflicts. It was a very interesting conference, with various high profile researchers and practitioners that gave new insights in the practical application of international humanitarian law. / Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict / /
Oxford, United Kingdom University of Oxford, University of Oxford Chemistry and Biochemistry lab visit Banh, Dan Hung doctoral researcher Outgoing GBR I have visited the group of Prof. Simon Aldridge at the University of Oxford for three months. It is a renowned group in the field of main group organometallic chemistry and especially known for its diverse boryl ligand based chemistry. For example they have established these ligands for the preparation of novel organometallic clusters. This research is very close to my Ph.D. project, which deals with the preparation and isolation of novel ligand protected metal clusters making this group the perfect place for my research stay. I have acquired new experimental techniques, enjoyed scientific discussions with researchers from all over the world and expanded my chemical and cultural horizon. / / / /
Rio Claro, Brazil Universidade Estadual Paulista, / Biology and Biotechnology field research Bauer , Dennise Stefan doctoral researcher Outgoing BRA I did field work (collecting plants and habitat data) in the areas of Bauru, Rio Claro, Itirapina, São Gonçalo, Ubatuba, and in the national parks Reserva Ducke, Sempre Vivas, and Itatiaia. These plants were analyzed at the state university Rio Claro. I did herbarium work (identifiying plants) in the state universities Rio Claro, São Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Diamantina, Rio de Janeiro, and Manaus. I did herbarium work in the Botanical Gardens of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, and herbarium work in the National Museum of Rio de Janeiro. I gave lectures and presentations (about my project work, analyzed data, and publications) at the state universities of Rio Claro, Diamantina, and Manaus. / Evolution and Biodiversity of Plants / /
Rio Claro, Brazil Universidade Estadual Paulista, / Biology and Biotechnology research stay Bauer , Dennise Stefan doctoral researcher Outgoing BRA I did field work (collecting plants and habitat data) in the areas of Bauru, Rio Claro, Itirapina, São Gonçalo, Ubatuba, and in the national parks Reserva Ducke, Sempre Vivas, and Itatiaia. These plants were analyzed at the state university Rio Claro. I did herbarium work (identifiying plants) in the state universities Rio Claro, São Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Diamantina, Rio de Janeiro, and Manaus. I did herbarium work in the Botanical Gardens of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, and herbarium work in the National Museum of Rio de Janeiro. I gave lectures and presentations (about my project work, analyzed data, and publications) at the state universities of Rio Claro, Diamantina, and Manaus. / Evolution and Biodiversity of Plants / /
New York, United States /, New School for Social Research Economics research stay Bauermann , Tom doctoral researcher Outgoing USA The support of the Research School Plus allowed me to present my recent research projects at the Eastern Economic Conference (EEA). As one of the most important conferences in economics in the US, it attracts prominent researchers from the field. Senior researchers in the field of agent-based modeling provided very helpful comments and helped me to improve my PhD thesis. Following the EEA, I had a research stay at the New School for Social Research. Prof. Setterfield hosted me and we continued to work on a joint research project. It was a great opportunity to start the final project of my PhD thesis and to take first steps to international research career. / Management and Economics / /
New York, United States /, Eastern Economic Conference (EEA) Economics conference visit Bauermann , Tom doctoral researcher Outgoing USA The support of the Research School Plus allowed me to present my recent research projects at the Eastern Economic Conference (EEA). As one of the most important conferences in economics in the US, it attracts prominent researchers from the field. Senior researchers in the field of agent-based modeling provided very helpful comments and helped me to improve my PhD thesis. Following the EEA, I had a research stay at the New School for Social Research. Prof. Setterfield hosted me and we continued to work on a joint research project. It was a great opportunity to start the final project of my PhD thesis and to take first steps to international research career. / Management and Economics / /
Paris, France Université Paris XIII, / Economics research stay Bauermann , Tom doctoral researcher Outgoing FRA Due to the support of the Research School Plus, I was able to work on a joint international research project with experienced researchers at the Université Paris XIII and the New School for Social Research (New York). We are developing an agent-based model on the capacity utilization of firms We made enormous progress on the research paper since we could work on a daily base in Paris and New York. The computer simulations of our model show that it is able to capture the main stylized facts of the capacity utilization of US-American firms. Apart from my work on the mentioned project, I presented and discussed my research projects and, thus, come into contact with other researchers. / Management and Economics / /
Corvallis, United States Oregon State University, / Biology and Biotechnology research stay Becker , Kordula doctoral researcher Outgoing USA In fall 2012 I spent two month at Oregon State University (Corvallis, Oregon, USA) to get trained on a new method called ChIP-seq. The technique enables the genome wide identification of specific transcription factor binding sites - knowledge that is crucial for the optimization of fungal strains used for the large scale production of the ß-lactam antibiotic penicillin. Back at Bochum I established the method for the use in our lab. One year later, in fall 2013, I presented some of my first results at the Annual Meeting of the German Genetics Society in Braunschweig where I was awarded the 1st poster prize for the presentation of my data. Both, the research stay and the conference participation were funded by the Ruhr-University Bochum Research School. I’m very thankful for this support all the great opportunities opened up by the RURS which constitute a big enrichment for my time as a PhD student at our University. / / / /
Seville, Spain /, / Biology and Biotechnology conference visit Becker , Kordula doctoral researcher Outgoing ESP As one of the biggest international conferences focused on fungal genetics, ECFG12 offered a unique opportunity to get deep insight into latest research topics. Talks given by leading international experts together with presentations given by conference attendees and poster presentations made a good framework for personal exchange, discussion and development of new ideas especially between young scientists and experienced researchers. Furthermore, taking part at ECFG12 offered a good chance to cultivate contacts to cooperation partners and former co-workers and to get to know specialists in my own field of research. As I was awarded a poster prize in the end of the conference, I'm happy to say that participation in ECFG12 was a full success. / / / /
Clearwater, United States /, Coal Technologies Associates Mechanical Engineering conference visit Becker , Anna doctoral researcher Outgoing USA / Institute for Energy and Environmental Engineering / /
New York, United States /, New School for Social Research Economics research stay Bauermann , Tom doctoral researcher Outgoing USA Due to the support of the Research School Plus, I was able to work on a joint international research project with experienced researchers at the Université Paris XIII and the New School for Social Research (New York). We are developing an agent-based model on the capacity utilization of firms We made enormous progress on the research paper since we could work on a daily base in Paris and New York. The computer simulations of our model show that it is able to capture the main stylized facts of the capacity utilization of US-American firms. Apart from my work on the mentioned project, I presented and discussed my research projects and, thus, come into contact with other researchers. / Management and Economics / /
New London, NH, United States /, Aqueous Corrosion Gordon Research Conference and Seminar Chemistry and Biochemistry conference visit Beese-Vasbender , Pascal doctoral researcher Outgoing USA I went for one week to New London, NH, USA to attend the Aqueous Corrosion Gordon Research Conference and Seminar, a high-quality but cost-effective and one of the world’spremier scientific meetings on corrosion research. I had the opportunity to meet leading investigators from around the globe to discuss their latest work and future challenges in a uniquely informal and interactive format. An oral presentation in the seminar, gave me the chance to share my newest research results with international early-career scientists at the frontier of science. At the Aqueous Corrosion Gordon Research Conference, new objectives of corrosion science and engineering to reduce the risk to society from corrosion and improve the sustainability of engineered systems were discussed, to which I successfully contributed with a poster presentation. The Gordon Research Conference and Seminar stimulated a unique interaction among all participants, which I have not experienced at other conferences before and greatly enabled networking. / / / /
Istanbul, Turkey Marmara University, / Social Science conference visit Behmer , Katharina doctoral researcher Outgoing TUR The RS plus grant enabled me to attend the third World Cobference of Humanitarian Studies: 'Human Security: Humanitarian Perspectives and Response', Which took place in Istanbul, from 24-27 October 2013. For the first time, I organized a Panel jointly with a more advanced expert in the area of Gender & Humanitarianism and presented two papers on different aspects of my PhDresearch jointly with different collegues. The participation in the conference thus enormously contributed to the further development of my PhD Project, helped to improve my academic presentation & Networking skills and provided me with the unique opportunity to get to know the international community in the nascent field of Humanitarian Studies. / / / /
Manchester, United Kingdom /, Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute (HCRI) Social Science conference visit Behmer , Katharina doctoral researcher Outgoing GBR At the current stage of my interdisciplinary Ph.D. project, it is crucial for me to present my research in an international scholarly environment. Funded by the Research School, I attended the International Conference on Gender and Migration: Critical Issues and Policy Implications“, in May 2013 (Istanbul), and the Second Annual International Association for Peace and Conflict Studies Conference (IAPCS), which took take place at the Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute (HCRI) at University of Manchester, on 12 and 13 September 2013. Both conferences enabled me to present parts of my research – each paper focusing on a different aspect of my theoretical approach. The feedback on my papers, as well as the other presentations and discussions in the context of the conferences has provided great inspiration and further strengthened the elaboration of my theoretical concepts. Moreover, I had the chance to build skills in academic debate and networking. For me, international conferences offer the chance to understand different academic cultures which shape theoretical approaches and perspectives and make them accessible through discussion and personal exchange of ideas. / / / /
Istanbul, Turkey Kadir Has University, / Social Science conference visit Behmer , Katharina doctoral researcher Outgoing TUR / / / /
Karlsruhe, Germany /, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie Biology and Biotechnology conference visit Beier , Anna doctoral researcher Outgoing DEU / / / /
Seville, Spain Universidad de Sevilla, / Biology and Biotechnology conference visit Beier , Anna doctoral researcher Outgoing ESP The 12th European Conference on Fungal Genetics (ECFG12) in Seville from March 23 to 27 2014 and the European Neurospora Meeting on 23th of March were an excellent opportunities to get an expert feedback on my Ph.D. project. I held my first talk on an international conference during the second session of the European Neurospora Meeting. This was a rather challenging experience. But it went well and I discussed my data with very experienced researchers in the field of fungal development. During the poster session of the ECFG12 I presented my data. In lively discussions I was able to achieve new ideas. Further the list of plenary speakers was very interesting to me. Listening to talks turned out extremely valuable for developing new ideas that leaded to a more comprehensive view on fungal genetics. / / / /
Rabat, Morocco /, various IEE field research Beier , Raffael doctoral researcher Outgoing MAR In March 2015 I went to Rabat and Casablanca to prepare for field research and to conduct some interviews with local associations like Initiatives Urbaines, Réseau Marocain pour le Logement Décent or IDMAJ, and local researchers from the Centre Jacques Berque and the Institut National d’Aménagement et de l’Urbanisme . I was also able to talk to resettled former shantytown dwellers and to people that are currently facing resettlement and eviction. Thanks to the interviews I got more information about the conditions and procedures of resettlement programmes and about the making of urban policy in Morocco. Moreover, I got a lot of new contacts that can help me during future research stays. / / / /
Delhi, India /, India Habitat Centre IEE conference visit Beier , Raffael doctoral researcher Outgoing IND Because of my Int.Mo.P funding from Research School, I had the opportunity to participate in the RC21 Conference 2019 that took place at the India Habitat Centre in Delhi, India. I presented the findings of my recently completed PhD in the session "Urban Displacement: Drivers, Impacts and Experiences", jointly organised by Alan Morris, University of Technology Sydney, and Paul Watt, Birkbeck, University of London. My presentation had the title "Bringing People Back to Centre – Dwellers’ Expectations and Experiences of Shantytown Resettlement in Casablanca." I got very much inspiring feedback on my research and it is likely that I will have the opportunity to publish in a special issue. / / / /
Tunis, Tunisia /, n/a IEE field research Beier , Raffael doctoral researcher Outgoing TUN In February 2015 I went to Tunis to conduct expert interviews with specialist on urban development and urban policy in Tunisia. The expert interviews were necessary to better embed my own Morocco-based research topic in the whole regional framework that has heavily changed after 2011. Fortunately, due to the help of several colleagues, I was able to meet with leading representatives of the GIZ Tunis, the Tunisian City Association (FNVT) and the Association of Tunisian City Planners (ATU) as well as with founders of bottom-up initiatives dealing with urban issues. Thanks to that I have got an improved understanding of the impact of the Arab Spring on urban development in North Africa. / / / /
Cairo, Egypt /, n/a IEE field research Beier , Raffael doctoral researcher Outgoing EGY In the early days of February 2015 I went to Cairo to conduct expert interviews with several experienced persons on urban development and urban policy in North Africa after the Arab Spring. The aim was to get a better understanding of the current urban dynamics in the North African region and, further, to be able to embed my Morocco-based research topic in the whole regional framework. Fortunately, due to the help of several colleagues, I was able to meet leading people of the World Bank and UN-Habitat as well as founders and activists of so called bottom-up organisations that tackle urban issues in the overwhelming city of Cairo. I had a really great and productive time in Cairo. / / / /
Colcheste, United Kingdom University of Essex, / Social Science conference visit Beil , Sebastian doctoral researcher Outgoing GBR / / / /
Ulm, Germany Universität Ulm, / Mathmatics conference visit Berghaus , Betina doctoral researcher Outgoing DEU / / / /
New York City, United States New York University, / Economics conference visit Bergheim , Ralf doctoral researcher Outgoing USA / Economics and Business Administration / /
Madrid, Spain /, IMEBE Economics conference visit Bergheim , Ralf doctoral researcher Outgoing ESP / Economics and Business Administration / /
Rome, Italy LUISS Università Guido Carli, / Economics workshop/summer school Bergheim , Ralf doctoral researcher Outgoing ITA / Economics and Business Administration / /
Haifa, Israel /, Society for mathemaitcal psychology Economics workshop/summer school Bergheim , Ralf doctoral researcher Outgoing ISR / Economics and Business Administration / /
Curitiba, Brazil /, / Biology and Biotechnology field research Bernardino de Souza Pereira, Jovani doctoral researcher Outgoing BRA I was doing a field research in Brazil during February to April 2014. There, I collected the plants, that I am studying in my PhD, in the different Brazilian vegetation types. It was a great opportunity for me as a plant taxonomist, to get to know these species in their natural habitat. This experience helps me to understand better this group of plants. I should also point out that during my field research I met other plant specialists which enabled me to learn more about plant diversity in Brazil. In the same sense the contact with the Brazilian PhD students allowed me to exchange knowledge with my future professional colleagues. In Brazil, I was also meeting research partners, and we discussed together the details of the next steps of our scientific researches. I am grateful that the Research School gave me the possibility to realize my scientific activities in Brazil. / / / /
Washington DC, United States /, / Biology and Biotechnology conference visit Bernardino de Souza Pereira, Jovani doctoral researcher Outgoing USA During the period of 16th May to 6th June, I was in the USA, in order to visit two herbaria, as well as to take part in a conference. Particularly in New York herbarium, I got to know Dr. Robbin Moran, one of the biggest pteridophytes expect. Besides consulting the plants collection in Washington DC., I met there Dr. Carl Taylor (one expert in the genus Isoetes) and Dr. Elisabeth Zimmer (research botanist and herbarium curator). We arranged a meeting in which we discussed a collaboration involving studies with the genus Isoetes. In Washington DC. I attended a Conference in which the new studies in pteridophytes were introduced to me. I am thankful to the RUB Research School for its funding. / / / /
New York, United States /, The Herbarium the New York Botanical Garden, and United State Herbarium Biology and Biotechnology research stay Bernardino de Souza Pereira, Jovani doctoral researcher Outgoing USA During the period of 16th May to 6th June, I was in the USA, in order to visit two herbaria, as well as to take part in a conference. Particularly in New York herbarium, I got to know Dr. Robbin Moran, one of the biggest pteridophytes expect. Besides consulting the plants collection in Washington DC., I met there Dr. Carl Taylor (one expert in the genus Isoetes) and Dr. Elisabeth Zimmer (research botanist and herbarium curator). We arranged a meeting in which we discussed a collaboration involving studies with the genus Isoetes. In Washington DC. I attended a Conference in which the new studies in pteridophytes were introduced to me. I am thankful to the RUB Research School for its funding. / / / /
Warschau, Poland Warsaw University of Technology, / Electrical Engineering and Information Technology research stay Besaga , Vira doctoral researcher Outgoing POL Thanks to the RS PLUS funding I was able to take part in one of the most important topical conferences in my research field - OSA Digital Holography and 3-D Imaging in Bordeaux, France. I had an opportunity to meet acknowledged international experts and to present my own research results to a broad audience. New contacts were established and promising co-operations are now expected. Later, I have spent a two-day research stay at the Warsaw University of Technology. I had fruitful discussions and knowledge exchange with members of the Photonics Engineering Division group as well as presented RUB and research projects of PTT department and my own in particular. / Photonics and Terahertz Technology / /
Urbana-Champaign, United States University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, / Philology research stay Beutel , Mirja Christine doctoral researcher Outgoing USA My four week research stay at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign had two central goals. The first was to get feedback on my dissertation project from Illinois researchers Mary Kalantzis and Bill Cope. I was able to present my work to them and a group of visiting scholars. Two options for international cooperation on follow-up projects have arisen from this discussion; one with a Brazilian university and one with a different department at UIUC. The second goal was to gain insights into US teacher education. I talked to a number of teacher educators and participated in a module on digital learning. I will use the resulting ideas to improve my own classes in higher education. / / / /
Trieste, Italy /, Associazione Italiana di Studi Nordamericani Philology conference visit Bidlingmaier , Selma doctoral researcher Outgoing ITA AISNA’s(Associazione Italiana di Studi Nord Americani) 22nd biennial international conference took place in Trieste this year and with the support of the Research School’s travel grant, I was able to participate and present my paper at the event. The panel I presented in—Topographies of Freedom: The Urban Experience in Asian American Communities, dealt with literary treatments of the cityscape as a cultural historical reflection of Asian American’s experience at various critical moments such as the formation of ethnic enclaves in the 19th century, the first and second World Wars, and contemporary readings of the city as an “multi ethnic” and “post ethnic” space. My paper, entitled Reinhabiting the Emptied ‘Ghettos’: The Everyday Spaces of Literary Chinatowns theoreticized a new approach to the reading of Chinese American Literature and Chinatowns from a phenomenological perspective. The extended discussion and feedback following the presentation was very encouraging and generated new ideas and directions I could pursue in the near future. Moreover, I had the opportunity to network with a diverse, international group of scholars that specialized in other fields in American Studies from History to Sociology that further enriched my experience and understanding of the importance of an interdisciplinary approach to my current work. With the agreement of a group of scholars I met, I have started a mailing list to continue our dialogues and exchanges that began at the conference with the hope also for a greater cooperation between our various institutions. / English Seminar / /
Copenhagen, Denmark University of Copenhagen, / Philology workshop/summer school Bidlingmaier , Selma doctoral researcher Outgoing DNK With the funding I received from the RUB Research School Plus, I had the opportunity to attend the international workshop Feeling Space: Towards a History of Emotion, Affect, and Space in Copenhagen. The aim of the conference was to investigate the “multiple, mutually constitutive relations between spaces and affect/emotions in different historical contexts”. The very interesting papers presented at the workshop discussed how emotions are elicited by specific habitus, and simultaneously how emotions, as a social and cultural practice in turn affect the formation of spatial configurations such as courts, laboratories, churches, urban landscape, dormitories, etc. Due to the small-group format of the workshop, I had the chance to have long discussions about my work with imminent scholars outside my field of work and gain new insights from a multi-disciplinary perspective. Aside from the stimulating academic exchange, the workshop provided ample opportunity to network with other scholars working on space. / English Seminar / /
Bochum, Germany Ruhr-University Bochum, / Philology conference visit Bidlingmaier , Selma doctoral researcher Outgoing DEU The international conference Spatial Histories, Constructs and Practices, held on March 27-28, 2014, brought together a group of cross-disciplinary scholars from fields such as anthropology, history, literature, cultural studies, and urban studies working on spatial and urban transformations in the United States. These scholars from Germany, the UK, Denmark, the United States, and Canada discussed a wide variety of topics ranging from literary cartographies, processes of suburbanization, the antropocene, to the relationship between antebellum architectural discourse and the “creation” of the modern (white) subject. The conference was a huge success as it inspired new ideas and instigated the formulation of new strategies in the exigent understanding of the current changes in North American cities. It also created a network between various international scholars from esteemed institutions that will continue the dialogue as well as work together on new projects in the future, putting the Ruhr-University in the forefront of urban/spatial research. / English Seminar / /
Boston, United States Boston University, Psychotherapy and Emotion Research Laboratory Psychology research stay Bieda , Angela doctoral researcher Outgoing USA The aim of my one-month research stay at Prof. Dr. Stefan G. Hofmann`s Psychotherapy and Emotion Research Laboratory (PERL) at Boston University (BU), U.S. in October 2016 was to work on a protocol for a group therapy for depressive disorders merginga certain kind of meditation with cognitive behavioral therapy and to translate the manual into german. / Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie / /
Entebbe, Uganda /, / IEE field research Biira , Catherine doctoral researcher Outgoing UGA With funding from the RUB Research school plus, between February and May 2014, I traveled to East Africa for a second round of field work to collect data for my PhD Project. I reviewed internal reports and other documents of the East African Community (EAC) and conducted in depth interviews with the lead negotiators of Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania in the negotiations of the East African Community Common Market Protocol. Given the bureaucracy and apparent sensitivity, without the possibility to physically visit the institutions of interest, access to internal reports and connection with respondents would have been very difficult. / / / /
Bordeaux, France /, OSA Digital Holography and 3-D Imaging Electrical Engineering and Information Technology conference visit Besaga , Vira doctoral researcher Outgoing FRA Thanks to the RS PLUS funding I was able to take part in one of the most important topical conferences in my research field - OSA Digital Holography and 3-D Imaging in Bordeaux, France. I had an opportunity to meet acknowledged international experts and to present my own research results to a broad audience. New contacts were established and promising co-operations are now expected. Later, I have spent a two-day research stay at the Warsaw University of Technology. I had fruitful discussions and knowledge exchange with members of the Photonics Engineering Division group as well as presented RUB and research projects of PTT department and my own in particular. / Photonics and Terahertz Technology / /
Chicago, United States University of Chicago, / Philosophy and Educational Research research stay Bleckmann , Jana doctoral researcher Outgoing USA My thesis is concerned about the question of how ambivalent impressions effect the soul in Plato's Republic. I spent the winter term 2015 at the University of Chicago to discuss my thesis with experienced researchers like Prof. Elizabeth Asmis and Prof. Gabriel Lear. I got two opportunities to present my research. In Chicago, I gave a presentation about “The Use of Ambivalent Impressions” in the “Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy Workshop”. In March, I was invited to give a talk about "Objective Moral Values and Ambivalence in Plato's Republic" at the Midterm Meeting of the International Plato Society at the Emory University, Atlanta. On both occasions I got valuable feedback. / Institute for Philosophy II / /
San Francisco, United States /, Materials Research Society Chemistry and Biochemistry conference visit Bledowski , Michal doctoral researcher Outgoing USA / / / /
Philadelphia, United States Drexel University, National Cancer Institute / AstraZeneca Chemistry and Biochemistry research stay Bobersky , Sandra doctoral researcher Outgoing USA At the end of my phD studies, I was fortunate to be invited to the Drexel University in Philadelphia, PA, USA and the National Cancer Institute in Washington D.C. to present my research projects and to initiate PostDoc Opportunities as well as executing touch up research complementing my phD. At Drexel and the NCI, researchers were highly interested in my studies and my future, therefore I now have several opportunities for my next steps as a young scientist. Also, an NCI employee organized a job interview with AstraZeneca in Waltham, MA, USA, including a meet and greet with four of their vize presidents. Thus, the Research School Plus funding has supported a possibly bright future. Thanks! / / / /
Sunderland, United Kingdom /, Centre for Research in Media and Cultural Studies (CRMCS) Philology research stay Böhm , Svenja doctoral researcher Outgoing GBR My research stay at the Centre for Research in Media and Cultural Studies (CRMCS) at the University of Sunderland gave me the opportunity to discuss my PhD thesis on enemy concepts in the James Bond series with experts in my field of research and helped me to expand my academic network. The intense exchange of ideas and productive discussions of my results with other Bond scholars and experts in the field of popular culture provided me with valuable input and opened up new perspectives for my further analysis. The resources available at the university libraries in Sunderland and Newcastle enabled me to collect useful material for my PhD project. / English Seminar / /
Columbus, United States Ohio State University , / Physics and Astronomy research stay Böhm , Patrick doctoral researcher Outgoing USA The Research School Plus gave me the opportunity to visit the Ohio State University (OSU) in Columbus, Ohio for a three months research stay. The investigations were based on a diagnostic technique which both of us had applied independently before. Here the extended and modified it to a parameter regime unreached beforehand. The stay included intense lab work, data processing, and exchange of knowledge. The end of the stay concluded the work in form of a presentation of the results at one of the biggest conferences in the field, the Gaseous Electronics Conference (GEC) in Raleigh, North Carolina. Further, the work will be published in an international scientific journal. / Institute for Experimental Physics V / /
Suita, Japan Osaka University, / Physics and Astronomy workshop/summer school Böhm , Patrick Sebastian doctoral researcher Outgoing JPN This project supported the participation of the researchers from our institute for plasma and atomic physics at the IS-NPCS (International Symposium on Non-equilibrium Plasma and Complex-System Sciences) at Osaka University in Osaka, Japan. Through the funding support of the Research School Plus it was possible for us as doctoral candidates to join this meeting and by this present our very own progress in research on our topics on an international basis and to get to know about the latest progress in a very broad field of plasma research and applications. During this workshop also the connections between Ruhr-University Bochum and Osaka University which already led to several student exchanges in the past were improved. / Institute for Experimental Physics / /
Cambridge, United Kingdom /, European Bioinformatics Insitute Chemistry and Biochemistry workshop/summer school Böing , Marion doctoral researcher Outgoing GBR / / / /
Tel Aviv, Israel Tel Aviv-Yafo Academic College, / Philosophy and Educational Research research stay Borg , AnneMarie doctoral researcher Outgoing ISR With my PR.INT project I was able to visit Prof. Ofer Arieli two times twoweeks, at the Tel Aviv-Yafo Academic College in Israel. Because these stays are planned in advance and all the collaborators (both at the RUB and in Israel) were aware of it, additional time was made, to work on joint projects. This way, we were able to finish several of our more challenging papers and work on my dissertation. Also, working in the same corridor made it much easier to ask some questions that otherwise might never have been asked (and answered). Moreover, the experience in general, of working at a different institute, in a different culture, will be beneficial for future international collaborations. / Institute for Philosophy II / /
Atlanta, United States Emory University, Midterm Meeting of the International Plato Society Philosophy and Educational Research conference visit Bleckmann , Jana doctoral researcher Outgoing USA My thesis is concerned about the question of how ambivalent impressions effect the soul in Plato's Republic. I spent the winter term 2015 at the University of Chicago to discuss my thesis with experienced researchers like Prof. Elizabeth Asmis and Prof. Gabriel Lear. I got two opportunities to present my research. In Chicago, I gave a presentation about “The Use of Ambivalent Impressions” in the “Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy Workshop”. In March, I was invited to give a talk about "Objective Moral Values and Ambivalence in Plato's Republic" at the Midterm Meeting of the International Plato Society at the Emory University, Atlanta. On both occasions I got valuable feedback. / Institute for Philosophy II / /
Dundee, United Kingdom /, Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral, Law and Policy Law research stay Brauner , André doctoral researcher Outgoing GBR My dissertation is about a new electricity market design in Germany and its European and Consitutional Law framework. My project title for my research stay was “Analysis of the United Kingdom's new capacity market for electricity and its implications for Germany“. I did research for 3 months at the Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy in Dundee, Scotland. I got my own desk in the Centre and the members were very friendly and helpful. All in all it was a wonderful experience and helped me proceed with my dissertation. / Institute for Mining and Energy Law / /
Berkeley, United States University of California, / Law research stay Braunroth , Anna doctoral researcher Outgoing USA Grants from the RUB Research School’s PR.INT programme allowed me to conduct my comparative research on collective mechanisms to enforce anti-discrimination laws at the University of California, Berkeley, School of Law. During my four month research stay I benefitted in particular from the strong network the Law School has with U.S. anti-discrimination experts and practitioners.I interviewed scholars, lawyers, government officials and non-governmental organizations in the anti-discrimination field with whom my supervisor connected me. They provided me with an expert understanding on which collective enforcement mechanisms in the U.S. have proven to be most and least effective. / / / /
Boston, United States /, Society of Labor Economists Economics conference visit Bredtmann , Julia doctoral researcher Outgoing USA / Economics and Business Administration / /
San Antonio, United States /, Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) Catholic Theology conference visit Bremer , Johannes postdoc Outgoing USA Due to funding granted by the Research School PLUS I was able toparticipate at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) , which is the most important international meeting of Biblical scholars and scholars in adjunct research fields. My participation was connected with a paper in the well-established Psalms section. Here, I presented my just published dissertation to international scholars. In addition, due to the funding I further participated a trans-continental meeting of Old Testament Psalm scholars at Baylor University. I read a second paper which was also based on my doctoral thesis. I am grateful for new contacts that help me for my further research. / / / /
Brisbane, Australia /, International Society for Rock Mechanics Geosciences conference visit Brenne , Sebastian doctoral researcher Outgoing AUS / Institute for Geology, Mineralogy and Geophysics / /
Buenos Aires, Argentina /, Academia Argentina de Letras Philology research stay Brunke , Dirk doctoral researcher Outgoing ARG library research stay in Buenos Aires (Argentina) and Montevideo (Uruguay) / Romanisches Seminar / /
Leiden, Netherlands Universiteit Leiden / ABRE, / Philology conference visit Brunke , Dirk postdoc Outgoing NLD I participated in the interdisciplinary ABRE conference 2017(Association of Brazilianists in Europe), which took place at the University of Leiden (Netherlands). This conference was the first of its kind in Europe because it is the launching event of the Association of Brazilianists in Europe. I held a presentation about my current research project of contemporary Brazilian literature, which received a very positive feedback; I was told to publish my speech and to go on studying the novels of Luis Krausz as this is pioneer’s work. The rather small group made it easy to get in contact with such important academics as Prof. Leslie Bethell (University of London), Prof. James Green (Brown University) / Romanisches Seminar / /
Montevideo, Uruguay /, / Philology research stay Brunke , Dirk doctoral researcher Outgoing URY library research stay in Buenos Aires (Argentina) and Montevideo (Uruguay) / Romanisches Seminar / /
Glasgow, United Kingdom University of Strathclyde, / Psychology research stay Buchmüller , Thimo doctoral researcher Outgoing GBR I went to a conference in Washington, D.C. to present findings of an intervention study for refugee children. Here, I had fruitful discussions which allowed me to precise my research question. Second part of my package was a two-month research stay in Glasgow. I analyzed data of a survey on refugees and prepared a joint-publication. With the feedback of my supervisor I managed to conclude the data analysis and prepared a draft of the paper, which will be submitted this year. The research stay allowed me to incorporate new statistical methods. Moreover, my supervisor helped me to see important policy-related implications of our data due to his experience in political consulting. / / / /
Washinton DC, United States /, / Psychology conference visit Buchmüller , Thimo doctoral researcher Outgoing USA I went to a conference in Washington, D.C. to present findings of an intervention study for refugee children. Here, I had fruitful discussions which allowed me to precise my research question. Second part of my package was a two-month research stay in Glasgow. I analyzed data of a survey on refugees and prepared a joint-publication. With the feedback of my supervisor I managed to conclude the data analysis and prepared a draft of the paper, which will be submitted this year. The research stay allowed me to incorporate new statistical methods. Moreover, my supervisor helped me to see important policy-related implications of our data due to his experience in political consulting. / / / /
Minneapolis, United States University of Minnesota, / Civil and Environmental Engineering research stay Bui , Hoang Giang doctoral researcher Outgoing USA The visit sets the first landmark on the collaboration between Statik & Dynamik department in Bochum and the Computational Mechanics group in Minnesota. At there I have developed a high performance tool that are capable of performing large scale simulation using finite cell method. This method is new, yet offer versatility over traditional modeling and simulation method. Under host professor's supervision, the code is refined and improved until it satisfied crucial standard to be used for production run. The first draft of the paper is written and expected to finish by end of the year. The preliminary results has been presented in the respective conference. / Statik & Dynamik / /
Ceský Krumlov, Czech Republic /, / Biology and Biotechnology workshop/summer school Büker , Britta doctoral researcher Outgoing CZE / / / / /
Leeuwarden, Netherlands /, Wetsus – Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Water Technology Geosciences conference visit Bürger , Andreas doctoral researcher Outgoing NLD The IAP2014 conference, International Conference on Interfaces against Pollution (IAP), took place in Leeuwarden, Netherlands, from the 25th till 28th of May 2014 and offers me the opportunity to get in contact with scientists from all across Europe or even the whole world. Presenting my work with the title Differences in the amino acid adsorption on relaxed and unrelaxed magnetite-(111) and hematite-(001) surfacesto the outstanding experts who visited the conference, allows me to discuss my intermediate results with them. Especially during the social events and the poster presentations I got in discussion about further ideas or got a lot of suggestions how to continue with my work. Additionally it was very interesting to see which problems other groups have to deal with and how they solve them. Altogether it was very helpful for me as a PhD-student to join a conference like the IAP2014. / / / /
Warwick, United Kingdom /, European Crystallographic Association Geosciences conference visit Bürger , Andreas doctoral researcher Outgoing GBR / Institute for Geology, Mineralogy and Geophysics / /
Barcelona, Spain /, Institut de Ciencia de Materials de Barcelona (ICMAB) Geosciences research stay Bürger , Andreas doctoral researcher Outgoing ESP The Institut de Ciencia de Materials de Barcelona (ICMAB) in Barcelona, Spain is a well known institute in materials science. Scientists in this institute deal with a lot of different experimental aspects of materials research. During my stay in this institute I learned a lot about analysis strategies and experimental set-ups. Working in another surrounding and under different conditions was a very interesting experience. Out of these strategies and theses experts experiences I analyzed different data sets for my PhD project. Altogether it was very helpful for me as a PhD-student to work for three months in a well known research institute like the ICMAB and learn from the outstanding experts / Institute of GMG Group of chemical Crystallography / /
New York City, United States New York University, Steinhardt, Global TIES for Children Psychology research stay Busch , Julian doctoral researcher Outgoing USA Research stay at the New York University in New York City to learn about early childhood intervention programs for refugee children in conflicted regions worldwide. Research teams in New York City monitor the implementation of large-scale programs in the Lebanon, Jordan and Bangladesh. Programs target at children, immediate caregivers and communities. Beyond impact research on the efficacy of such programs this work provided insights into collaborations with governments and international non-governmental organizations. / Developmental Psychology / /
Dublin, Ireland /, International Association for Media and Communication Research IEE conference visit Butt , Atif Ikram doctoral researcher Outgoing IRL / Institute of Development Research and Development Policy / /
Riva del Garda, Italy /, Civil Comp Opti 2019 Civil and Environmental Engineering conference visit Cao , Ba Trung postdoc Outgoing ITA This is the fifth in this series of conferences concerned with the application of soft computing and optimisation to civil, structural and environmental engineering. / Institute for Structural Mechanics / /
Udine, Italy /, International Centre for Mechanical Sciences Civil and Environmental Engineering workshop/summer school Cao , Ba Trung doctoral researcher Outgoing ITA / Institute for Structural Mechanics / /
San Francisco, United States /, SPIE -The International Society for Optics and Photonics Mechanical Engineering conference visit Chakif , M'Barek doctoral researcher Outgoing USA The financial support from the Research School PLUS enabled me to participate in this conference. This work described the functionality of the laser ablation in liquids and how to generate pure iron particle without toxic precursors. The results distinguish from sample to sample. A highlight of the conference was the sub-conference dinner (A Night at the Movies). Here I got the chance to talk to a lot of authors who talked in the sessions Colloidal Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications IX. I would like to say that the participation at the SPIE Photonics West 2014 offered by a funding of the Research School Plus was very profitable for my doctoral work and my own career to personally meet, talk to other researchers and to exchange experience and ideas. I would like to thank the Research School Plus for the funding of my conference participation. / / / /
Montréal, Canada University of Montreal, / IEE conference visit Chattoraj , Diotima doctoral researcher Outgoing CAN This paper addresses the relationship and the degrees of belonging that the Sri Lankan displaced Tamils have to their homes. To understand this relationship between the displaced Tamil with their original home (or Ur) and their negotiations with displacement and resettlement, I propose to analyze the three dimensions of belonging, that is commonality, mutuality and attachment. This provides a useful tool to analyze the various forms of belonging, which I observed among the displaced persons in relation to their original homes. I conducted my ethnographic fieldwork in Sri Lanka and South India. The empirical point of departure is drawn from the stories about displacement of quite a few Sri Lankan Tamils from their place of origin in the Northern province of Sri Lanka. Finally after analyzing the different narratives, I conclude by showing that they exhibit a diverse range of belonging to their homes which depends on a number of factors like time and socio-economic needs. / / / /
Buenos Aires, Argentina /, International Association for the Study Medicine conference visit Chehadi , Omar doctoral researcher Outgoing ARG From the 6th until the 11th of October, 2014, I attended the 15th World Congress on Pain in Buenos Aires. The World Congress on Pain is the premier congress devoted to research on and treatment of pain. The Congress boasts a hearty program of refresher courses, plenary lectures, topical workshops, and poster presentations. I did not only presented my poster in the Congress but also used the chance to inform myself about recent research activities that are similar to mine. Furthermore I could establish a very important contact and get valuable feedback about my research from a pioneer researcher. This conference was a good chance to get some new ideas to integrate it into my work. / Department of Medical Psychology / /
Bangkok, Thailand /, National Metal and Materials Technology Center Chemistry and Biochemistry conference visit Chew , Ly May doctoral researcher Outgoing THA The RUB research school PLUS has given me the opportunity to attend an International conference in Bangkok. The 8th International Conference on Materials Science and Technology is recognized as one of the major conferences in materials science and technology. It was organized by the National Metal and Materials Technology Center, Chulalongkom University and Thai Ceramic Society. It was a great opportunity for me to present my work through an oral presentation and to discuss my results with the international experts from academia, government agencies and industry in the field of materials science and catalysis. / / / /
Bern, Switzerland Universität Bern , / Philology workshop/summer school Christ , Tobias doctoral researcher Outgoing CHE I participated on a doctoral Workshop about Pacific literature around 1800/2000, organised by the Institut für Germanistik, Universität Bern (12th/13th march 2016). By interesting lectures and discussions on voyage accounts and their reception in German literature (G. Forster, J.-J. Rousseau, G. Lichtenberg, F. Hölderlin, A. v. Chamisso) and contemporary fictional Pacific discourses in the recent novels of Ch. Kracht and H. Ch. Buch and others I learned a lot of new things about German literature and its construction of cultural alterity in connection with colonialism. / Germanistisches Institut / /
London, United Kingdom Imperial College London, / Chemistry and Biochemistry research stay Clausmeyer , Jan doctoral researcher Outgoing GBR / / / /
Canberra, Australia Australian National University, Australian National University Philosophy and Educational Research research stay Coninx , Sabrina doctoral researcher Outgoing AUS During my research stay at the ANU Canberra, I was allowed to collaborate with my second supervisor Prof. Colin Klein as well as his research group of PostDocs and PhDs. / / / /
Memphis, TN, United States University of Memphis, University of Memphis Philosophy and Educational Research lab visit Coninx , Sabrina doctoral researcher Outgoing USA Due to the International Realization Budget, I was able to visit Prof. Shaun Gallagher at the University of Memphis. During my stay, I deepened my knowledge in the recent debate concerning the embodied, embedded, enactive and extended theories of mind. Moreover, I tried to connect these discussions with my PhD project and further developed my own account of pain, especially with regard to the influence of physical and social factors. / Institute of Philosophy II / /
Halifax, Canada Mount Saint Vincent University, Mount Saint Vincent University Social Science research stay Conrads , Judith doctoral researcher Outgoing CAN The research stay at Mount Saint Vincent University (MSVU) gave me the possibility to discuss and broaden the findings of my doctoral project with colleagues and experts on an international level. Through a public lecture that I held at MSVU and discussions I had with Canadian students I was able to expand my experiences on a professional and a personal level. The exchange with my host Prof. Dr. Marnina Gonick was very fruitful and participating in the academic life at a Canadian University provided an interesting insight and new impressions. / / / /
Delft, Netherlands TU Delft, Microwave Sensing, Signals and Systems (MS3) group Electrical Engineering and Information Technology research stay Dahl , Christoph doctoral researcher Outgoing NLD The funding of the Research School PLUS enabled me to conduct aresearch stay of two month at the Delft University of Technology. For my doctoral project, I am utilizing radar systems with multiple transmit and receive antennas in order to assess the filling volume of materials in tanks and silos. During my stay at the Microwave Sensing, Signals and Systems research group, I was able to discuss and improve the sensor concept and to evaluate the concept by performing measurements. Furthermore, I was able to intensify my network of international contacts and to initiate further cooperation. / Institute of Microwave Systems / /
Herzogenhorn, Germany /, / Biology and Biotechnology workshop/summer school Dahlmann , Tim Alexander doctoral researcher Outgoing DEU The attendance at the Black Forest Research School 2013 in bioinformatics for molecular biologists, in Herzogenhorn, Germany was a great opportunity to improve my bioinformatics skills. During three days it was all about bioinformatics and the newest methods and programs. It started with the Swiss-knife type tool of all bioinformatics BLAST and ended into discussions about large scale multivariate data analyzes. During the several workshops, including qPCR setup and analyzes or next generation sequencing analyzes, the poster sessions and the social events gave me a great opportunity to present and discuss my research with other PhD students and established researchers. The participation at the Summer School allows me get closer insights and a lot of information about bioinformatics and helped me to get in contact with other PhD students around Europe. The participation at the Summer School was a great experience and I want to take the opportunity to thank the RUB Research Schoolplus, who have made it possible for me to take part at the Black Forest Summer School 2013 by funding the participation and traveling costs of 600 euros. / / / /
San Francisco, United States /, AGU American Geophysical Union Geosciences conference visit Damtew , Aychluhim Debebe doctoral researcher Outgoing USA / Institute for Geology, Mineralogy and Geophysics / /
Tokyo, Japan /, Center for English Language Education in Science and Engineering (CELESE) Social Science research stay Dankwart-Kammoun , Saskia doctoral researcher Outgoing JPN During my stay from Nov. 19 until Dec. 18, 2015, I developed a comprehensive methodology under the supervision of Prof. Anthony and presented my PhD project during a CELESE colloquium. In preparation of my research stay, I built a text corpus. At CELESE, the 1st working step comprised cleaning and organizing this corpus. The prepared corpus files were split into single files. The files’ encodings were detected using EncodeAnt and converted into the correct encoding using Notepad++. Finally, the files were lemmatized using TagAnt. The 2nd working step was the corpus analysis. I created word lists and keyword lists using AntConc and profiled the corpus files using AntWordProfiler for keywords. / / / /
Fara San Martino, Italy /, Biochemical Society Biology and Biotechnology conference visit Danne , Linna doctoral researcher Outgoing ITA / / / /
Singapore, Singapore National University of Singapore, / Mathmatics conference visit Darnstädt , Malte doctoral researcher Outgoing SGP With the help of Research School Plus I was able to participate in the “International Conference on Learning Theory” in Singapore in October 2013. The conference was held at the National University of Singapore, which so large that they need several bus lines on campus. The conference itself was very interesting; it offered the rare opportunity to meet and discuss with many fellow PhD students and post-docs from my own field of research in one place. Since my own paper, written together with co-authors from Bochum and Canada, was accepted to appear in the proceedings, I also had to give a talk. This talk at one of the major conferences of my own field was a great opportunity to highlight my research and our group in Bochum. It is also good opportunity to draw attention to problems you are interested in and to start new collaborations. Overall the experience was extremely valuable to me and I have to thank Research School Plus to have made my travel to Singapore possible. / / / /
Prague, Czech Republic Charles University , / Philology conference visit de Waal, Ariane doctoral researcher Outgoing CZE / English Seminar / /
Evanston, United States Northwestern University, / Philology workshop/summer school Degeling , Jasmin doctoral researcher Outgoing USA I attended a workshop entitled „Queer Temporalities and Media Aesthetics“with Graduate Students from different disciplines such as Queer Theory, Critical Race Theory, Performance Studies, Gender Studies… – all taking part in the Critical Theory Program at Northwestern. Particularly the interdisciplinarity allowed gaining deep insights into those ongoing contemporary critical research debates which are dominantly North American. Also, the format of the workshop helped to engage into a deep discussion since it included several responses by colleagues as well as faculty members to every paper. / Medienwissenschaft / /
Singapore, Singapore /, National Institute of Education (NIE)/Nanyang Technological University(NTU) Philosophy and Educational Research conference visit Demski , Denise postdoc Outgoing SGP With the help of Research School PLUS funding I was able to attend theInternational Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement (ICSEI) held in Singapore. I presented findings from my PhD project and benefited from the fruitful discussions and from socializing. Our symposium proposal entitled “Building data, literacy and cultures that inform instructional decision making” was accepted for presentation. In this symposium, colleagues from New Zealand, the US, the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany presented and discussed their research. / / / /
Brisbane, Australia University of Queensland, / Geosciences conference visit Deutscher , Jelena doctoral researcher Outgoing AUS / Geographical Institute / /
Milan, Italy /, Federation of European Neuroscience Societies IGSN conference visit Dietz , Birte Elisabeth doctoral researcher Outgoing ITA Funding by RUB Research School PLUS enabled me to visit the FENS conference in Milan 2014. FENS is the federation of all European neuroscience societies. Its activities are of interest for neuroscientists all over the world. Therefore I submitted an abstract related to my proposed project. Since the abstract was accepted as a poster presentation at the FENS meeting in Milan, I had the opportunity to present my results to experts in the field of neuroscience. There, I discussed my approach with people from different backgrounds and different positions. I received very positive feedback for my work and established contacts with experts in my field of research. As I was able to use the features implemented during my stay in Milan immediately to produce results and communicate these to a high-level scientific audience I consider my time at the FENS meeting was highly valuable for my PhD project. / / / /
Douala, Cameroon /, Field Research in Cameroon Social Science field research Djatou , Medard doctoral researcher Outgoing CMR As part of my doctoral research in Social Anthropology entitled „LIVING BETWEEN SOCIAL STIGMATISATION AND HEALTH DISPARITIES IN AFRICA: THE COPING MECHANISM OF PERSONS WITH ALBINISM IN CAMEROON “, I travelled to Cameroon for a three months field research funded by the Research School Plus. The qualitative data collected were focused on problems and difficulties face persons with albinism at different levels in the nowadays Cameroonian society and the mechanisms or strategies they developed to cope with. I was an exciting experience because I had the opportunity to share with persons with albinism their living conditions and to discuss about with executive members of their associations and some cameroonian Ministry´s stakeholders. I discuss with my research partners on the next steps of our research collaboration and I would like to thank the Research School for the opportunity it offered to me. / / / /
Squaw Valley, United States /, 27th Rare Earth Research Conference Chemistry and Biochemistry conference visit Doffek , Christine doctoral researcher Outgoing USA / / / / /
Vienna, Austria /, AIT Austrian Institute of Techology Electrical Engineering and Information Technology conference visit Dost , Philip doctoral researcher Outgoing AUT / / / /
Tallinn, Estonia /, European Accounting Annual Congress (EAA) Economics conference visit Downar , Benedikt doctoral researcher Outgoing EST The 37th European Accounting Annual Congress (EAA) was held in Tallinn (Estonia). I submitted a full-paper which was accepted after going through a competitive double-blind review process. At the conference I gave a talk on my current research project 'The Monitoring Effect of More Frequent Disclosure'. It was a great opportunity for me to present my results in front of excellent researchers from all over the world. During my session but also during several discussions with other researchers, I received some valuable comments that will considerable improve the quality of my research project. Beyond that other researchers confirmed the importance and contribution of my research project to the ongoing debate on the optimal reporting frequency. / / / /
Jerusalem, Israel Hebrew University Jerusalem, / Protestant Theology research stay Drees , Malin doctoral researcher Outgoing ISR Thanks to the Research School Plus funding I was able to visit the National Library Israel as well as to meet my second supervisor for my doctoral thesis. It was the second time I was able to discuss my PhD project with my second supervisor in person. Discussing my work face-to-face really helped shaping and improving my project. Next to face-to-face discussions, I was also able to work in and with the collection of the National Library Israel at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, which was most helpful for my work. As I am working in the field of late medieval and early modern Jewish Studies, I really appreciate the possibilities that the library offers. / CERES / /
Cold Spring Harbor, United States /, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory IGSN workshop/summer school Dubovyk , Valentyna doctoral researcher Outgoing USA / / / /
Limerick, Ireland Mary Immaculate College, / Philology conference visit Dudzik , Yvonne doctoral researcher Outgoing IRL Participating at an international conference overseas and presenting a thesis in front of the international scientific community is an important experience - even more so in a field of research like German Studies. Intercultural German Studies, however, is as important and relevant as ever. Hence I am glad that my abstract to take part at the 2014 conference of the GiG in Ireland, one of the major conferences in the field of Intercultural German Studies, was accepted, especially since the topic of transit spaces portrayed an interesting aspect of modern society. Discussing my current approach with researchers from all around the world was an enriching experience that provided innovative aspects that could only become apparent because of the fruitful intercultural exchange. / Germanistisches Institut / /
Wroclaw, Poland Wroclaw University Library, / History research stay Ehms , Jule doctoral researcher Outgoing POL syndicalist Freie Arbeiter-Union Deutschlands. The sources on the FAUD a sparse. However, recently the survival of the syndicalist newspaper “Die Freiheit” in the university library of Wroclaw, has been discovered. My archive stay lasted one week in April. The communication with the staff of the library was not easy, but eventually I got access to all numbers available. Since duplication was allowed, the week was sufficient to peruse the entire material and to duplicate relevant articles. Unfortunately the newspaper did not address union matters too often. But nevertheless the source material of my work is now more profound. / / / /
Sydney, Australia /, GSAA - German Studies Association of Australia Philology conference visit Eickenboom , Christine doctoral researcher Outgoing AUS The International Connference of the GSAA (26.-28.11.2014) was titled: Das Fremde und das Eigene - The Self and the Other. I submitted an abstract discussing special aspects of my ph.d. project and had the opportunity of discussing this with a wide range of international academics also researching in my field of interest. The possibilities for exchange besides the talks gave another great chance to intensify discussion and international contacts. The conference was very well organized and took place in wonderful ambience and atmosphere, so it was a really helpful and efficient way to come into international contact and exchange, which will continue for a long time. / Institute of German Philology / /
Beijing, China /, Chinese Academy of Sciences Mechanical Engineering conference visit Elskamp , Frederik doctoral researcher Outgoing CHN Um einen Ueberlick zum Stand der Forschung zu erhalten und meinen Fortschritt bei meiner Forschungsarbeit im Vergleich zu anderen Universitaeten einzuordnen, stellte ich meine Forschungsergebnisse auf dem 7th World Congress on Particle Technology in Peking vor. Der Fokus der Konferenz lag auf der Darstellung von Partikeln mit Simulationsmethoden, z.B. der Diskreten Elemente Methode, als auch die Vorstellung neuer experimenteller Messmethoden. Mein Praesentationsthema 'A comparative study of phenomenological screening process models based on discrete element simulations' passte thematisch zur Konferenz. Nach dem Vortrag hatte ich die Moeglichkeit mit einigen Fachleuten aus meinem Themenbereich Kontakt zu knuepfen und ueber verschiedene Modellansaetze zu diskutieren. Dadurch bekam ich ausgiebig Feedback zu meiner bisherigen Arbeit und konnte mir neue Anregungen fuer zukuenftige Untersuchungen bezueglich meiner Promotion holen. / Institute of Energy Technology / /
Lisbon, Portugal /, Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies Law conference visit Engelbert , Annika doctoral researcher Outgoing PRT / / / /
Passau, Germany University of Passau, / Law workshop/summer school Engelbert , Annika doctoral researcher Outgoing DEU How much can you learn in only one week? After having participated in the workshop „The Economics of Corruption: Experimental Approaches to Responsible Governance”, organized by the University of Passau, I can confirm: pretty much. Conducting research in a highly interdisciplinary field as I do can make things rather complicated or incredibly inspiring. The latter was the case for my workshop, bringing together Master and PhD students from all over the world to scenic Bavaria, all with different scientific backgrounds, but with a common research passion: corruption – or, to make it sound a bit nicer, anti-corruption. During one intense week of both lectures and hands-on activities such as games, experiment modeling and simulations, I got not only the opportunity to present my research project to a knowledgeable audience and to receive important feedback on it, but also to get acquainted with the world of behavioral economics. Talking to my fellow participants over coffee, dinner or “Weizenbier”, I learned that not all of them were as lucky as I was to receive funding from my home institution. Personally, I think this workshop was a wonderful experience, and I enjoyed very much being part of an international research community! / / / /
Laxenburg, Austria /, International Anti-Corruption Summer Academy Law workshop/summer school Engelbert , Annika doctoral researcher Outgoing AUT Neither practice nor science have yet found powerful responses to the persisting problems located within the nexus of development and corruption; the topic is hence highly debated in the public and the private sector, the media, civil society, and academia. The International Anti-Corruption Academy in Austria brings together almost 70 participants from 50 countries to discuss current anti-corruption issues with world-leading experts, and to share practical experiences. As a participant with a scientific background, I could benefit from the Summer Academy in a double sense: On the one hand, I had the chance to get insights into valuable know-how from practice and counter-check my own theoretical findings against their applicability, and to hear and discuss about newest developments in anti-corruption research on the other. These past eleven days were incredibly intense and inspiring, and I take home a broad range of new ideas to be integrated into my PhD project. / / / /
Nara, Japan /, The International Society on Plasma Medicine Electrical Engineering and Information Technology conference visit Engelhardt , Max doctoral researcher Outgoing JPN I attended a scientific conference in Japan where I was able to present my project to an international audience. The International Conference in Plasma Medicine is a very interesting conference and leading in the emerging field of using plasma in medial situations. The diversity of scientists attending this conference is pretty unique, there are many physicists, biologists, medical doctors and also some engineers like me. Since this field of study is very complex with many different aspects to take into account, a conference is really a good place to get to know all the people. By talking personally to people from other fields of study, it is much easier to come up with new ideas for future research projects. My project is more on the technical side, and in the poster presentation I had a lot of audience coming by and asking questions, from other engineers all the way to medical doctors. It was a very experience to present my work in such a broad field of internationally renowned experts on the field of plasma medicine. / / / /
Haifa, Israel /, Centre for Mathematical Sciences Mechanical Engineering workshop/summer school Engels , Philipp doctoral researcher Outgoing ISR / / / /
Pittsburgh, United States Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), Human-Computer Interatction Institute (HCII) Philosophy and Educational Research research stay Erdmann , Julia doctoral researcher Outgoing USA The PR.INT. funding enabled me to follow an invitation to a research stay at the HCII and to participate in the EARLI-Conference 2017, a major biennial conference in Educational Research, at the University of Tampere, Finland. At the conference I received valuable feedback on a significant part of my dissertation project. Working with renowned experts during my research stay at the HCII helped me to integrate that feedback and to further elaborate my ideas. Besides great value for my dissertation, both activities were fantastic opportunities to expand my international network with regard to collaborative research activities and my academic career. / Institute of Educational Research / /
Gent, Belgium /, / Philosophy and Educational Research conference visit Erdmann , Görg doctoral researcher Outgoing BEL / / Institute of Philosophy / /
Gaborone, Botswana /, Southern African Development Community (SADC) and Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) Economics field research Erdogan , Ceren doctoral researcher Outgoing BWA With funding from the RUB Research School I was able to conduct field research for the self-authored and most important paper of my PhD thesis. I spent 6 weeks in Gaborone, Botswana conducting expert interviews and data analysis on regional financial integration at the SADC Secretariat and GIZ offices. Given the sensitive nature of working with internal SADC data and interviewing SADC employees, it was essential to be there personally, in order to foster mutual trust and cooperation and ensure the reliability of my results. During my stay I also made contact with future collaboration partners and got an insight to future career opportunities outside of academia. / Chair of International Economics / /
Tampere, Finland /, EARLI-Conference 2017 Philosophy and Educational Research conference visit Erdmann , Julia doctoral researcher Outgoing FIN The PR.INT. funding enabled me to follow an invitation to a research stay at the HCII and to participate in the EARLI-Conference 2017, a major biennial conference in Educational Research, at the University of Tampere, Finland. At the conference I received valuable feedback on a significant part of my dissertation project. Working with renowned experts during my research stay at the HCII helped me to integrate that feedback and to further elaborate my ideas. Besides great value for my dissertation, both activities were fantastic opportunities to expand my international network with regard to collaborative research activities and my academic career. / Institute of Educational Research / /
Chicago, United States Loyola University Chicago, Institute of Pastoral Studies Protestant Theology field research Eufinger , Veronika doctoral researcher Outgoing USA I conducted the data collection of the American sample for my PhD thesis “Religious Strategies in Urban Areas. A Cross-cultural Comparison of German and American Churches” between August and October 2017. The funding of the “Research School Plus” program enabled me to visit eight urban churches in three different cities. During the research stay I interviewed church employees, took photographs of the church buildings, collected information material, and recorded participant observations of church activities. Additionally, I had the chance to discuss my theses about the mechanisms of urban Christianity with colleagues from the Institute of Pastoral Studies at the Loyola University Chicago. / Center for Religious Studies and Center for Applied Pastoral Research / /
Takamatsu, Japan Kagawa University, / East Asian Studies conference visit Fabian , Nele doctoral researcher Outgoing JPN My networking and research project was successfully carried out at all stages planned. At the EAEH 2015 conference, other panelists from my field provided me with distinct and valuable advice for my doctoral project and allowed me to join their research interest group on East Asian waste and recycling history. At Kyoto University’s Institute for Research in Humanities, I detected rare material of high significance for my doctoral thesis. In Tokyo, I gathered additional unique literature in the National Diet Library. Thanks to RUB Research School, this trip will have a long-lasting positive impact on the quality of my dissertation and integration into my field as a young researcher. / / / /
Tokyo, Japan Kyoto University Institute for Research in Humanities, Institute for Research in Humanities East Asian Studies research stay Fabian , Nele doctoral researcher Outgoing JPN My networking and research project was successfully carried out at all stages planned. At the EAEH 2015 conference, other panelists from my field provided me with distinct and valuable advice for my doctoral project and allowed me to join their research interest group on East Asian waste and recycling history. At Kyoto University’s Institute for Research in Humanities, I detected rare material of high significance for my doctoral thesis. In Tokyo, I gathered additional unique literature in the National Diet Library. Thanks to RUB Research School, this trip will have a long-lasting positive impact on the quality of my dissertation and integration into my field as a young researcher. / / / /
Hong Kong, Hong Kong University of Hongkong, Hong Kong Public Records Office East Asian Studies research stay Fabian , Nele doctoral researcher Outgoing HKG My research at both Hong Kong Public Records Office and Hong Kong University provided highly expressive results and also allowed me to intensify my research network in Greater China significantly. My participation in the “Waste in Asia 2016” conference at Leiden University was an important step in my network building beyond the field of Chinese history, providing one of few occasions worldwide to allow for focused discussions and the building of new theoretical approaches in the field of global waste studies in the humanities. My doctoral project thus profited immensely from the past months of in-depth research and scientific exchange in two highly dynamic research environments. / / / /
Leiden, Netherlands Leiden University, / East Asian Studies conference visit Fabian , Nele doctoral researcher Outgoing NLD My research at both Hong Kong Public Records Office and Hong Kong University provided highly expressive results and also allowed me to intensify my research network in Greater China significantly. My participation in the “Waste in Asia 2016” conference at Leiden University was an important step in my network building beyond the field of Chinese history, providing one of few occasions worldwide to allow for focused discussions and the building of new theoretical approaches in the field of global waste studies in the humanities. My doctoral project thus profited immensely from the past months of in-depth research and scientific exchange in two highly dynamic research environments. / / / /
Bristol, United Kingdom University of Bristol, The Hong Kong History Project East Asian Studies workshop/summer school Fabian , Nele doctoral researcher Outgoing GBR I presented a paper in a postgraduate workshop called organized by the Hong Kong History Project at Bristol. The field of Hong Kong history ist a small, strongly internationalized research community which depends on a close co-operation between senior researchers and younger, aspiring scholars. Bristol is a major center of Hong Kong historical studies and also co-operates closely with The University of Hong Kong where I have accomplished research in the recent past. This workshop has helped me sustain and enlarge my network and work towards future research co-operations (publications etc.). / / / /
London, United Kingdom /, The National Archives, London, United Kingdom East Asian Studies field research Fabian , Nele doctoral researcher Outgoing GBR Prior to this research stay, I had conducted major archival research in Hong Kong. My stay at The National Archives (TNA) was mandatory to back up the information I had gathered in Hong Kong and make sure I had not overlooked any missing links between documents concerning local colonial administration in Hong Kong and certain files of the former British Colonial Office kept at TNA. Indeed I was able to retrieve missing information that is no longer accessible in Hong Kong archives today. My trip to TNA has helped me to fill critical knowledge gaps and broaden my perspective on the global context of Hong Kong colonial administration—as an element within the British Empire—significantly. / / / /
Helsinki, Finland /, Academy of Finland Centre of Excellence in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences Philosophy and Educational Research research stay Fait , Benedikt doctoral researcher Outgoing FIN I made a two-month research stay at the Academy of Finland Centre of Excellence in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences (TINT) from 22 August to 24 October 2016, and also attended ENPOSS 2016 conference. This research stay was both a great chance and also a great honor for me, since at TINT do work virtually some of the best researchers of my field of research. I firmly thank Ruhr University Research School PLUS for funding my research stay in Finland. Without this funding, it would have been much more difficult for me to realize this research stay. I was proud of appropriately indicating this excellent support of Ruhr University’s junior scientists during my time in Helsinki. / Department of Philosophy I / /
Estoril, Portugal /, / Chemistry and Biochemistry conference visit Fan , Mu doctoral researcher Outgoing PRT Funding by Research School of RUB enables me to attend the European corrosion congress 2013 in Estoril, Portugal in September 2013. EUROCORR is the most important Event in Europe and a reference around the world on the subjects of corrosion and protection. Covering a large numer of topics on the Areas of corrosion science and anti-corrosion Technologies, EUROCORR 2013 was focused on 'Corrosion Control for a Blue Sky' and had a hot topic on 'Innovative anti-corrosion strategies for materials in energy production Systems'. On the conference I gave a talk entitled with Effect of surface topography and Anions on the anodization of Titanium. In the talk one of the most important results during my doctoral Training was shown. Our work was intensively discussed with other scientists. I received instructive and constructive suggestions shining the light upon perfecting the previous work and the orientation of future work. All of this experience is significantly helpful and valuable for my PhD Project. / / / /
Sapporo, Japan Tokyo Metropolitan University, / Chemistry and Biochemistry conference visit Fan , Mu doctoral researcher Outgoing JPN With the financial support from Research School I have participated in the 2nd International Symposium on Anodizing Science and Technology in Japan. It offered me a unique opportunity to learn and understand the latest progress in the community. Presenting my work in front of the expert of the community was a good opportunity to look back the research in the past and to look forward the work in the future. Moreover, the lecture, oral and poster presentation given by participants enhanced mutual understanding between scientists, promoted the exchange of experience and knowledge. In this case collaboration can be foreseen, and new idea can be motivated. / / / /
Sydney, Australia /, Global Finance IGF - Australian School of Business Economics conference visit Farruggio , Christian doctoral researcher Outgoing AUS Die jaehrlich stattfindende internationale Australasian Finance & Banking Conference in Sydney (Australien) vereint internationale Wissenschaftler und Praktiker aus dem Bereich 'Finance' und gibt ihnen im Rahmen dieser wichtigsten Konferenz des asiatisch-pazifischen Raums die Moeglichkeit, ihre Forschungsergebnisse zu praesentieren, sich ueber aktuelle Themen auszutauschen und somit neue Anregungen und Erkenntnisse fuer zukuenftige Projekte zu erhalten. Die Diskussion meines eigenen Forschungsprojektes durch einen renommierten Wissenschaftler sowie die Diskussion meiner Forschungsarbeit im Plenum hat meine bisherige Arbeit dabei signifikant beeinflusst und verbessert. Neben dem Ausbau meiner bisherigen Forschungskontakte hat sich der Besuch der Konferenz insbesondere in der Qualitaet meines aktuellen Arbeitspapiers niedergeschlagen, welches sich Dank der erhaltenen Anmerkungen mittlerweile in der zweiten Begutachtungsrunde eines international fuehrenden Journals meines Fachbereichs befindet / Economics and Business Administration / /
Ankara, Turkey /, / Social Science field research Fatima, Seyda doctoral researcher Outgoing TUR / / Institute for Development Research and Development Policy / /
Munich, Germany /, ETSG (European Trade Study Group) 2014 Social Science conference visit Fatima, Syeda Tamkeen doctoral researcher Outgoing DEU This paper analyzes productivity spillovers from foreign direct investment (FDI) using Turkish firm level data for a more recent time period, 2003-2010. The empirical model is derived from endogenous growth theory whereby growth in total factor productivity (TFP) is modeled by the rate of technological progress which in turn is partly determined by technology transfers and spillovers from its international contacts. Given this theoretical framework we evaluate the impact of FDI onto the firm level productivity via the channels of horizontal and vertical linkages. The empirical results show that horizontal linkages decreases productivity whereas vertical linkages exert a positive impact onto local productivity levels thereby drawing attention of policy makers towards strenghtening of supplier-buyer relationship between local and multinationals in order tomaximize the benefits from FDI. This study also acknowledges the heterogeneity of local (foreign)firms and their differential capacity to absorb (exude) the FDI induced externalities. / Institute for Development Research and Development Policy / /
Stuttgart, Germany /, / Protestant Theology field research Fazal , Sajida doctoral researcher Outgoing DEU The funding given by Research School Plus for field research in different cities of Germany has been a milestone in my Doctoral research and career. This field research about 10 months has given me an insight to the level of personal and social interactions of the key respondents. During my field research I was able to gather relevant information from respondents on my Doctoral theme that is quite sensitive among the Pakistani Muslim community. Meanwhile, I tried to find out whether the religious organisations are helpful for the migrants or not. The research stay increased my knowledge about the living conditions of migrants in different cities of Germany while exploring the change in traditional and social lifestyle of the community. Discussions with people from different fields of life were a big challenge for me that I successfully completed during this field research. Overall my stay was successful in collecting data from diverse Pakistani Muslims in Germany. / Religious Studies / /
Canberra, Australia The Australian National University (ANU), / Economics research stay Fels , Katja doctoral researcher Outgoing AUS My cumulative dissertation in Economics includes co-authored work with researchers from The Australian National University. I was very happy about the opportunity of having a 6 weeks research stay in Canberra from February to April 2017 to work closely together on data analysis and the write up of results. It was this research stay that made it possible to publish a working paper in a very short period of time. A follow-up visit to Australia in December 2017 enabled me to present my work at the AASLE-conference and at the Melbourne Institute. As we had received referee comments on the working paper in the meantime, I also worked on improving the paper. We will resubmit it for publication in a peer-reviewed Economics journal in January 2018. Biddle, N., K. Fels und M. Sinning (2017), Behavioral Insights and Business Taxation: Evidence from Two Randomized Controlled Trials. Ruhr Economic Papers #698. RUB, RWI. DOI: 10.4419/86788812. Online: / / / /
New York, United States New York University and Yale University, / Law conference visit Fenrich , Katrin doctoral researcher Outgoing USA My research trip to the United States this November/December was twofold. I used the chance to meet up with my Law and Economics Professor (Peter Rosendorff) from the New York University to speak about my PhD project. Afterwards I attanted the 2015 Doctoral Scholarship Conference and presented a paper on the “The Unexpected Flexibility of Public International Law” together with my colleague Tobias Ackermann. We participated in very vivid discussions and benefited from the interdisciplinary atmosphere and the scientific vibe at Yale. Now, we will include the advice and hints that were given to us during the conference in our paper. / IFHV / /
Bochum, Germany Melbourne Law School, / Law conference visit Fenrich , Katrin doctoral researcher Outgoing DEU From 7 to 8 December 2017, together with my colleague Tobias Ackermann, I attended the 10th Melbourne Doctoral Forum on Legal Theory "Time in Law - Law in Time". We spoke at the first panel "Assessing the Temporalities of Law" with a presentation entitled "Does Time Sculpture Law? The Temporal Element in the Advancement of Public International Law". It was a very insighful conference with inter- and transdisciplinary projects. / IFHV / /
Klosterneuburg, Austria /, Institute of Science and Technology Biology and Biotechnology research stay Fernandes de Melo , Jose Romario doctoral researcher Outgoing AUT / / / /
Amsterdam, Netherlands /, Elsevier Biology and Biotechnology conference visit Fernandes de Melo , Jose Romario doctoral researcher Outgoing NLD The final aim of science is generation of knowledge, and the way to it is via communication. Among the several ways of scientific communication stand the conferences. Being part of the Plant Genome Evolution 2013 (in Amsterdam) was an outstanding experience. Joining together in the same hall around 200 participants from 34 different countries was really great for scientific exchange. The conference focus was to sharing the current status of plant evolution research. Among other topics it was discussed about the Genome (DNA) Evolution, ancient and recent Polyploidy events and Plant Diversification via Genome Duplication. The talks of highly profiled PI’s exhibited results of several decades of wet bench work on cutting-edge research which contributed to test new hypotheses on plant evolution. The environment was suitable to exchange information, discuss results and experimental approaches as well as for establishing new collaborations. In my case, I had opportunities to discuss with different speakers about still unclear results of my PhD thesis in order to gain insights based on the strategies they used on their own research. Additionally, at the poster session I was contacted by a Polish Researcher who is working in a new approach to determine gene copy variation in plants and she wants to collaborate with us due to the interesting findings of my work. / / / /
Helsinki, Finland /, ENPOSS 2016 Philosophy and Educational Research conference visit Fait , Benedikt doctoral researcher Outgoing FIN I made a two-month research stay at the Academy of Finland Centre of Excellence in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences (TINT) from 22 August to 24 October 2016, and also attended ENPOSS 2016 conference. This research stay was both a great chance and also a great honor for me, since at TINT do work virtually some of the best researchers of my field of research. I firmly thank Ruhr University Research School PLUS for funding my research stay in Finland. Without this funding, it would have been much more difficult for me to realize this research stay. I was proud of appropriately indicating this excellent support of Ruhr University’s junior scientists during my time in Helsinki. / Department of Philosophy I / /
Chicago, United States University of Chicago, Department of Neurobiology Chemistry and Biochemistry research stay Ferreira Beltrán, Madeline doctoral researcher Outgoing USA The annual meeting organized by the Society for Neuroscience is the largest meeting worldwide for neuroscientist. This year (2015) it took place in Chicago, USA. With the support of the Research School Plus we were able to present our latest results of our doctoral projects and got a lot of constructive feedback in terms of new ideas or improvements for our projects. We also have been able to meet a professor of the Department of Neurobiology of the University of Chicago and to see how doctoral students in cutting-edge laboratories of our field conduct their experiments in the USA. Thanks to the Research School Plus we were able to learn a lot about the work of a neuroscientist in the USA. / / / /
Durham, United States Duke University, / Biology and Biotechnology research stay Figueira Rodrigues Guerreiro, Marco Alexandre doctoral researcher Outgoing USA The financial support by the Research School made possible my participation on the 11th International Mycological Congress in Puerto Rico in July 2018 and the visit at Heitman’s lab in Duke University. This is the most important conference in the field of mycology and therefore an ideal platform to present my current research data to renowned scientists. During my poster presentation, I discussed several aspects of my project and latest results. During my visit at Heitman’s lab I have expanded my knowledge in fungal genomics and bioinformatics, got familiar with new experimental techniques and provided me with a strong scientific network and resources crucial for my future career. / / / /
San Juan, Puerto Rico /, IMC11 Biology and Biotechnology conference visit Figueira Rodrigues Guerreiro, Marco Alexandre doctoral researcher Outgoing PRI The financial support by the Research School made possible my participation on the 11th International Mycological Congress in Puerto Rico in July 2018 and the visit at Heitman’s lab in Duke University. This is the most important conference in the field of mycology and therefore an ideal platform to present my current research data to renowned scientists. During my poster presentation, I discussed several aspects of my project and latest results. During my visit at Heitman’s lab I have expanded my knowledge in fungal genomics and bioinformatics, got familiar with new experimental techniques and provided me with a strong scientific network and resources crucial for my future career. / / / /
Berkeley, United States University of California, / Electrical Engineering and Information Technology research stay Finkeldey , Markus doctoral researcher Outgoing USA With the help of the Research School Plus funding, we were able to participate on one of the largest conference in the field the optics: the Photonics West, San Francisco, USA. We could successfully present our research and were able to meet colleagues from the well known University of California, Berkeley. In addition, it helped us to stay in touch with international researchers from all over the world and allowed us to present our research to professionals from our field of research. / Photonics and Terahertz Technology / /
San Francisco, United States /, Photonics West Electrical Engineering and Information Technology conference visit Finkeldey , Markus doctoral researcher Outgoing USA With the help of the Research School Plus funding, we were able to participate on one of the largest conference in the field the optics: the Photonics West, San Francisco, USA. We could successfully present our research and were able to meet colleagues from the well known University of California, Berkeley. In addition, it helped us to stay in touch with international researchers from all over the world and allowed us to present our research to professionals from our field of research. / Photonics and Terahertz Technology / /
Grenoble, France /, ISTerre: Institut des Sciences de la Terre Geosciences conference visit Fischer , Laura doctoral researcher Outgoing FRA / Institute for Geology, Mineralogy and Geophysics / /
San Jose, United States /, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) Physics and Astronomy conference visit Fobbe , Tobias doctoral researcher Outgoing USA First, I gave a presentation on my latest research results with the title „Terahertz Group Velocity Dispersion Management through Integration of a Hybrid Mode Section into a Metal-Metal Waveguide“. The 12 minute long talk in the session „Terahertz Photonics“ was followed by a 3 minute long discussion. During that 3 questions were raised and answered by me. The quantitiy and the quality of the questions indicate that the presentated results gained decent attention. Also the published corresponding peer-reviewed conference publication (doi:10.1364/CLEO_SI.2016.STh1I.5) has been read 35 times within two weeks on research gate. Second, I attended 3 courses which will stimulate further research. / / / /
Leipzig, Germany /, 6th International FEZA Conference Chemistry and Biochemistry conference visit Fowler , Rosemary doctoral researcher Outgoing DEU The 6th International FEZA Conference proved to be extremely beneficial. Not only was I able to share my work through a poster presentation, but I also heard other ideas and approaches to similar work. From my attendance at the conference, contact has been made with two other groups which we hope to collaborate with. Being just over half way through my Doctoral project this conference offered the opportunity to see the larger picture of my research, with similar and completely different projects to mine. Hearing from other researchers from fantastic institutes from around the world really has motivated and inspired me. / / / /
Davis, United States University of California, / Chemistry and Biochemistry research stay Freitag , Kerstin doctoral researcher Outgoing USA Funded by the Research School plus, I spent three months in the group of Prof. P. Power at the University of California Davis. The group was my choice because of the groups outstandig organometallic chemistry expertise which can be seen in an enormous number of publications through the last three decades. The research focus is the synthesis and characterization of novel transition-metal and main group element compounds, were the central element exhibits unusual oxidation states, coordination numbers and unusual bonding or magnetic properties are observed. The chemistry is closely related to the chemistry of my dissertation project as it is dealing with the stabilization of unsusual transition and main group metals as well. During my stay in the Power group I was able to synthesize two novel compounds, which will contribute to a publication. But moreover the vivid exchange within the Power group during group seminars and in the daily lab life broadened my chemical and personal horizon in I way I would have never expected. / / / /
Suzhou, China /, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences Biology and Biotechnology conference visit Fretter , Yvonne doctoral researcher Outgoing CHN / / / /
Suzhou, China /, Cold Spring Harbor Asia Conferences Biology and Biotechnology conference visit Fretter , Yvonne doctoral researcher Outgoing CHN The Cold Spring Harbor Asia Conference „GTPases: Mechanisms, Interactions and Applications” was the second conference on GTPases in Suzhou, China. This time, the conference was also focused on heterotrimeric GTPases and therefore completely matched my research area. I got the opportunity to present my work on a poster and discuss it with two prominent researchers on G proteins and their interaction with G protein-coupled receptors: Roger Sunahara and John Tesmer. A couple of new ideas for my research project and a possible collaboration are the result of this great conference. / / / /
Melbourne, Australia University of Melbourne, Melbourne Neuropsychiatry Center Psychology research stay Friedrich , Patrick doctoral researcher Outgoing AUS The granted research stay at the MNC in Melbourne, Australia enabled me to step into a new and exciting field. Due to my stay, I'm now actively collaborating with leading clinical neuroscientists. My first collaborative publication is currently in the making. Given the possibility for future projects, the opportunity I've been given by RUB Research School has truely lifted up my chances for an international research career. Given the possibility for future projects, the opportunity I've been given by RUB Research School has truly lifted up my career chances as an international scientist. I'm deeply thankful for the support! / / / /
Plymouth, United Kingdom /, ICEP Psychology conference visit Friedrichs , Katharina doctoral researcher Outgoing GBR Joining the three-days international conference (ICEP – International Conference of Environmental Psychology) in Plymouth, UK, was a very enriching experience. This very specialized conference was a great opportunity for me to present my current research and to discuss my current and further research approaches and ideas with a specialized, highly skilled research community in-depth. I made valuable contacts for future collaborations. It was also great to network with the environmental psychology research community. Hence, participating in the conference was an excellent opportunity, regarding professional skills and network development. / / / /
Seattle, United States Seattle University, / Psychology research stay Friedrichs , Katharina doctoral researcher Outgoing USA Research School Plus funding enabled me to accomplish a research stay at Seattle University. During my six-week research stay I discussed my research project with two of the leading experts in the field. The feedback I received allowed me to design and develop a questionnaire for assessing pro-environmental behavior addressing American football fans, which is now in the field. I got extensive insights into topically related research projects and feedback on my previous work that really improved my doctoral project. Moreover, I had the chance to attend a sustainability convening in Seattle and got invited to a mentoring program for PhD students. Besides learning a lot, I met very nice people. / / / /
London, United Kingdom /, Imperial College Business School Economics research stay Frieß , Maximilian doctoral researcher Outgoing GBR Part of the funded project was research stay at the Imperial College Business School London in order to advance a joint study with a local colleague. While I was able to undertake important preparatory work from Bochum, the personal interaction was substantial for the complex statistical analysis and the elaboration of our initial manuscript, as it allowed us to allocate the precious time needed and to challenge the progress on daily basis. Overall, I benefited professionally as well as personally from the intense exchange of ideas and experiences with the interdisciplinary researchers at the Imperial College Business School. / Economics and Business Administration / /
Barcelona, Spain /, Laboratory for Socio Dynamics Simulation (LSDS) Economics workshop/summer school Fritzler , Natalie doctoral researcher Outgoing ESP The 5th Summer School of the European Social Simulation Association (ESSA) was held in Barcelona, Spain from September 7-12, 2014. I attended this School to deepen in my knowledge of the method of agent-based modeling and the software platform NetLogo which I am going to use for my dissertation project. During this week in Barcelona I visited numerous lectures conducted by leading researches in the field and worked on my own research project which was presented at the end of the School. I made lots of new interesting international contacts, which certainly will be helpful during my doctoral studies. All in all, it was a highly inspiring experience. / Institute of Macroeconomics / /
Hildesheim, Germany /, / Philosophy and Educational Research conference visit Funk , Alexandra doctoral researcher Outgoing DEU Presenting and discussing results of one’s own study is a great experience for any PhD student. Being able to get good feedback from other researchers who are working on similar topics in related areas, and who are willing to share their knowledge and approaches can help tremendously in expanding one’s own approaches, modify the dissertation project and get in contact with other researchers in order to plan for new collaborations. The 14th Fachgruppentagung Pädagogische Psychologie (PAEPS) in Hildesheim, Germany in September 2013, which is a multinational conference, where researchers in the field of educational psychology from Austria, Germany, Swiss and the Netherlands come together, did that for me. Not only could I present and discuss my work with other researchers in the field, but I gained a lot of new insights for my next project. New opportunities for future collaborative projects with established researches also arose. All in all, the conference participation was a valuable experience that provided me with helpful input for writing my dissertation and the time thereafter. Therefore I would like to thank the Research School for providing me with this opportunity by funding my participation / Institute for Educational Sciences / /
Oslo, Norway /, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) Social Science conference visit Funke , Carolin doctoral researcher Outgoing NOR Between September 18-20, 2019 I participated in the international conference 'Talking while fighting? The Causes and Consequences of Civil War Ceasefires' The conference was jointly organized by the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) and the Center for Security Studies at the ETH Zürich. At the conference, I presented findings from my field research in Georgia that I conducted in 2017 and 2018 with financial support from the RUB Research School (PR.INT). The title of my presentation was 'Crossing the Conflict Divide - International Organizations as Bridge Builders between Georgia and Abkhazia.' I was able to meet both experts and practitioners from all over Europe and the US. / IFHV / /
Zugdidi, Georgia /, Danish Refugee Council in the South Caucasus Social Science field research Funke , Carolin doctoral researcher Outgoing GEO I spent six months at the Danish Refugee Council Zugdidi Field Office to carry out empirical research for my doctoral dissertation. I conducted 30 expert interviews with local, national and international stakeholders and attended several meetings that were organized by international organizations. My dissertation relies heavily on the information and data that I obtained during this stay. Overall, this RS Plus-funded research stay allowed me to further improve my research skills as a social scientist, gather important data and establish relevant contacts with practitioners from my field of research. / Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict / /
Tbilisi, Georgia /, none Social Science field research Funke , Carolin doctoral researcher Outgoing GEO This research stay was a short-term follow-up visit in Georgia. Already a year prior to this stay, I had spent six months in Georgia at the Danish Refugee Council. The intention this year was to get feedback from practitioners and to learn about latest political developments in the country. The research stay will be important for the completion of my dissertation. Furthermore, it enabled me to stregthen my contacts in the region. The cooperation proved to be highly relevant for my career. Shortly after my return, I was able to publish an article in the Forced Migration Review with a former colleague from the Danish Refugee Council. / Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict (IFHV) / /
Georgia, United States University of Georgia, / Geosciences lab visit Damtew, Aychluhim D. doctoral researcher Outgoing USA Due to the generous financial support of RUB Research School Plus under its 'Laboratory visit' program among its diverse funding lines designed to promote and advance research at RUB, I got the opportunity to stay at the Water Resources and Remote Sensing Laboratory of the University of Georgia, among named universities in United States, for a month in June/July 2014. This stay gave a great exposure to lab facilities and tailored trainings on hydrologic and remote sensing modelling from a leading scientist who has developed and led the lab and from his research associates. This short stay has significantly impacted on my current PhD research project augmenting sound concepts and skills that certainly boost the research output. Diligent follow-up & comfortable working environment created by the director of the lab helped me reap vast knowledge on hydrologic modelling, analysis of remotely sensed information, techniques on accessing enormous high-quality regional and global data sets in such a short period of time. / / / /
Melbourne, Australia Monash University, Melbourne, / Philology lab visit Eickenboom, Christine doctoral researcher Outgoing AUS As a result from former international networking I’ve got an invitation from the Monash University in Melbourne to present my ph.d project and got the chance to work there with valuable sources from the State Library of Victoria and the special collections of the university itself completing my doctoral project which I wouldn’t have seen in Germany. In addition to that I had the opportunity to discuss my previous results with experts in my field of research. Also I had the chance to visit the National Library in Canberra for a successful search after rare material. This research stay was highly important and helpful to make my ph.d.project even more special and precious. / Institute of German Philology / /
Dijon, France University of Burgundy/, AgroSup Dijon Mechanical Engineering research stay Errenst, Cornelia doctoral researcher Outgoing FRA My PhD is about encapsulation of flavours inside yeast. Thanks to RS PLUS I visited Prof. Waché, a microbiologist from the Univ. of Burgundy, to improve my knowledge of diffusion processes in yeast cells. During my stay I was able to discuss my research results with Prof. Waché and emeritus Prof. Voilley for many hours, which was a great benefit for me. Due to microscopy pictures prepared during my stay, we were able to stain the cell wall to gain a better knowledge about my samples. The participation in ‘int. conf. on bioencapsulation’ in Strasbourg was also a complete success. I presented my results in a presentation and discussed with researchers from Univ. and industry. / / / /
Strasbourg, France /, int. conf. on bioencapsulation Mechanical Engineering conference visit Errenst, Cornelia doctoral researcher Outgoing FRA My PhD is about encapsulation of flavours inside yeast. Thanks to RS PLUS I visited Prof. Waché, a microbiologist from the Univ. of Burgundy, to improve my knowledge of diffusion processes in yeast cells. During my stay I was able to discuss my research results with Prof. Waché and emeritus Prof. Voilley for many hours, which was a great benefit for me. Due to microscopy pictures prepared during my stay, we were able to stain the cell wall to gain a better knowledge about my samples. The participation in ‘int. conf. on bioencapsulation’ in Strasbourg was also a complete success. I presented my results in a presentation and discussed with researchers from Univ. and industry. / / / /
Boston, United States Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women's Hospital Chemistry and Biochemistry research stay Yu, Fengyan doctoral researcher Outgoing USA During my 6-month stay in Brigham and Women’s hospital, Harvard medical school, I was able to conduct my planed research which further developed my PhD thesis, promoted my research project and helped to convert my result into a better publication. The stay in such a prestigious research place have broaden my research thinking and skills. Moreover, the involvement in the seminars and the interaction with different researchers urged me pursue a further career in science. This opportunity offered by the research school provide a great platform to learn and to improve myself. / Department of Biochemistry II / /
Brasilia, Brazil University of Brasilia, / Biology and Biotechnology field research Ebinghaus, Malte doctoral researcher Outgoing BRA My project comprised the attendance of the 11th International MycologyCongress (IMC11) in Puerto Rico and a field campaign in Brazil to collect additional specimens for my PhD project. At the conference I could discuss major parts of my studies and built up contacts to researchers in my field of mycology. I could strengthen contacts to experienced and renowned international reseachers. At the field campaign in the brasilian Cerrado Biome I could not only collect important additional species to increase the importance of my thesis but also two undescribed species were collected. So, this funded project finally increased the impact of my thesis but also fostered my future scientific carrer. / AG Geobotanik / /
San Juan, Puerto Rico /, 11th International Mycology Congress (IMC11) Protestant Theology conference visit Ebinghaus, Malte doctoral researcher Outgoing PRI My project comprised the attendance of the 11th International MycologyCongress (IMC11) in Puerto Rico and a field campaign in Brazil to collect additional specimens for my PhD project. At the conference I could discuss major parts of my studies and built up contacts to researchers in my field of mycology. I could strengthen contacts to experienced and renowned international reseachers. At the field campaign in the brasilian Cerrado Biome I could not only collect important additional species to increase the importance of my thesis but also two undescribed species were collected. So, this funded project finally increased the impact of my thesis but also fostered my future scientific carrer. / AG Geobotanik / /
Brixen, Italy /, / Chemistry and Biochemistry workshop/summer school Galozzi, Sara doctoral researcher Outgoing ITA In the 7th European Summer School “Advanced proteomics” (Brixen, Italy) I had a great time for several aspects. The speakers were illustrious experts in the field of proteomics and the scientific content of the school was really high le vel. The lectures consisted in basic and research ones, enabling us to understand the topics from different perspectives. I attended three workshops in which I learned how to use and w ork with different mass spectrometry- based techniques. In the poster session I presented my work and I could discuss my results with other PhD students and professors that gave me several suggestions for further research. We had some sportive activities as a hiki ng tour in the dolomites, which was amazing! We could also choose one “special activity ” and most of us (as I did) decided for rafting: it was awesome! I met a lot of students an d we continue to be in contact and share information about interesting meetings and conferen ces. This great experience was funded by Research school PLUS / / / /
Geneva, Switzerland /, International Mass Spectrometry Conference Chemistry and Biochemistry conference visit Galozzi, Sara doctoral researcher Outgoing CHE I participated to the 20th international mass spectrometry conference that took place in Geneva. I had a short course hold by the developers of targeted proteomics methods and I got useful hints for my project. Companies were present and I had the opportunity to talk directly with their experts to improve my measurements. Additionally, a guided tour of the CERN laboratories was given. I visited three workshops to get insights into the data analysis. I had a poster presentation and several scientists came to visit me for discussion. The organization, the people and the city gave me a great experience at the 20th IMSC in Geneva, thanks to Research school that helped in funding the project. / / / /
San Jose, United States /, NVIDIA Corporation Electrical Engineering and Information Technology conference visit Gebhardt, Patrik doctoral researcher Outgoing USA I attended the GPU Technology Conference 2014 in San Jose, CA, USA. This conference was the best opportunity for me to meet fellow CUDA developers from around the world, discuss their and mine research and learn a lot of new stuff all things GPU. Furthermore I was giving a session about some very interesting topics in hardware parallelized preprocessing and GPU based post-processing. Many people attended my session and I am very glad, that I was able to give other CUDA developer the knowledge for generating higher valuable software. I can definitely recommend every scientist, who uses GPUs in their work, to visit the GPU Technology Conference at least once in a life. / / / /
Helsinki, Finland /, Aleksanteri-Institute Helsinki History field research Geisler, Saskia doctoral researcher Outgoing FIN I spent two weeks both in Finland and in Russia. In Finland I could introduce my work at the annual Aleksanteri-Conference organized by Aleksanteri-Institute, University of Helsinki. Additionally I could collect further interviews to deepen my understanding of experiences made by Finnish Construction Workers in the Soviet Union during the 1970s. During this trip I could also visit one of the towns built by Finns in Russia, just across the border and collected more interviews here, this time getting an insight into the then-Soviet view of the Finnish workers.Thus I was able to combine scientific networking with field research and am very happy and grateful that International Realization Budget enabled me to do so. / Osteuropäische Geschichte / /
Moscow, Russian Federation /, RGAE History field research Geisler, Saskia doctoral researcher Outgoing RUS The International Realization Budget funding enabled me to collect archival sources at the RGAE in Moscow and interview a person who worked for the institution my dissertation is exploring. Additionally I could visit a seminar at the German Historical Institute Moscow and thus could use the time there also for networking. All in all it was a very efficient and successful trip. / Osteuropäische Geschichte / /
Jyväskylä, Finland University of Jyväskylä, / History field research Geisler, Saskia doctoral researcher Outgoing FIN I was able to combine several modes of interaction with the finnish scientific community. I visited the conference 'Cultural Relations between East and West' hosted by the University of Jyväskylä. Additionally I was able to meet a professor from university of Tampere and collect interviews with further experts on my research topic. Thus it was a very fruitful journey and I could gather a lot of ideas and information for my dissertation. / Osteuropäische Geschichte / /
Warsaw, Poland /, Conference on International Relations IEE conference visit Gerau, Jasmin doctoral researcher Outgoing POL / / / /
Chicago, United States University of Chicago, Society for Neuroscience Chemistry and Biochemistry conference visit Ferreira Beltrán, Madeline doctoral researcher Outgoing USA The annual meeting organized by the Society for Neuroscience is the largest meeting worldwide for neuroscientist. This year (2015) it took place in Chicago, USA. With the support of the Research School Plus we were able to present our latest results of our doctoral projects and got a lot of constructive feedback in terms of new ideas or improvements for our projects. We also have been able to meet a professor of the Department of Neurobiology of the University of Chicago and to see how doctoral students in cutting-edge laboratories of our field conduct their experiments in the USA. Thanks to the Research School Plus we were able to learn a lot about the work of a neuroscientist in the USA. / / / /
Washington, United States /, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum; German Historical Institute History research stay Gerlach, Lisa doctoral researcher Outgoing USA This trip combined an invited talk at the University of Tennessee, research at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, and a consultation visit at the German Historical Institute. The talk at UT was productive, because I presented my project to an interdisciplinary group of scholars. Based on this presentation I was asked to contribute to a peer reviewed journal. The archival research gave me the opportunity to enrich my sources. I was lucky to find that the archivists had made more documents of relevance to me available. At the GHI, I had the fruitful discussion with their Director, I had planned for, and was also there to join the events surrounding their prestigious Fall Lecture. / / / /
Windsor, Canada University of Windsor, University of Windsor Economics conference visit Gesing, Judith doctoral researcher Outgoing CAN Mit der Unterstuetzung der Research School war es mir moeglich die '6th CIRP Conference on Industrial Product Service Systems' zu besuchen. Bei dieser Konferenz handelt es sich um eine jaerhrlich stattfindende interdisziplinaere Veranstaltung, auf der sich Wissenschaftler aus Ingenieurwissenschaftlichen und Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Bereichen mit innovativen Produkt-Dienstleistungskombinationen auseinandersetzten, die auf individuelle Kundenwuensche zugeschnitten werden (IPS2). Mein Vortrag auf der Konferenz setzte sich mit Hemmnissen auf Seiten des Kunden auseinander, solche innovativen Leistungen zu erwerben. Da in der bisherigen Forschung hauptsaechlich die Befaehigung von Anbietern analysiert wurde, war die Resonanz auf meinen Beitrag sehr positiv. Die Betrachtung der Kundenperspektive liefert wichtige Implikationen fuer den Verkaufsprozess des Anbieters. Durch das Feedback und das hohe Interesse an meinem Thema auf der Konferenz, wurde mit bestaetigt, dass ich auf dem richtigen Weg bin. / Economics and Business Administration / /
Cape Town, South Africa /, IEE IEE field research Girndt, Katharina doctoral researcher Outgoing ZAF For my dissertation project „Dealing with the impact of Social Control –Strategies and Coping Mechanisms of LGBT people in South Africa”, I conducted experts in Cape Town, Johannesburg and East London. Thanks to the PR.INT programme I was able to realize the project and conducted 32 expert interviews within 10 weeks! / / / /
Cape Town, South Africa /, IEE IEE field research Girndt, Katharina doctoral researcher Outgoing ZAF My research stay in South Africa turned out to be an essential part of my dissertation project on LGBT+ people in South Africa. The expert interviews that I conducted in Cape Town and Johannesburg build a main component of my qualitative data. As I am following an inductive approach, the next step of my research -the data collection in the field- is based on the results of the expert interviews. Next to the generated data, I could build up and strengthen relationship with key players. and I also gained an understanding of the cultural embeddednes of the issue and the postapartheid society in practice. / / / /
Tennessee, United States University of Tennessee, / History research stay Gerlach, Lisa doctoral researcher Outgoing USA This trip combined an invited talk at the University of Tennessee, research at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, and a consultation visit at the German Historical Institute. The talk at UT was productive, because I presented my project to an interdisciplinary group of scholars. Based on this presentation I was asked to contribute to a peer reviewed journal. The archival research gave me the opportunity to enrich my sources. I was lucky to find that the archivists had made more documents of relevance to me available. At the GHI, I had the fruitful discussion with their Director, I had planned for, and was also there to join the events surrounding their prestigious Fall Lecture. / / / /
Helsinki, Finland University of Helsinki, Centre for Consumer Society Research Social Science research stay Glanz, Sabrina doctoral researcher Outgoing FIN My project included a six-week research stay at the Centre for Consumer Society Research at the University of Helsinki. Besides, I was funded to participate at the summer conference on Social Science Research at Lancaster University. I had the chance to meet a lot of interesting people from my research field and received constructive feedback and input from attending events and seminars and giving presentations. But also the informal exchange with researchers was very important and helpful to gain new insights on my research topic and discover new perspectives. All in all, the research stay as well as the conference were great experiences which take me further in my future PhD studies. / / / /
Lancaster, United Kingdom Lancaster University, / Social Science conference visit Glanz, Sabrina doctoral researcher Outgoing GBR My project included a six-week research stay at the Centre for Consumer Society Research at the University of Helsinki. Besides, I was funded to participate at the summer conference on Social Science Research at Lancaster University. I had the chance to meet a lot of interesting people from my research field and received constructive feedback and input from attending events and seminars and giving presentations. But also the informal exchange with researchers was very important and helpful to gain new insights on my research topic and discover new perspectives. All in all, the research stay as well as the conference were great experiences which take me further in my future PhD studies. / / / /
San Francisco, United States /, Photonics West Electrical Engineering and Information Technology conference visit Goering, Lena doctoral researcher Outgoing USA The support of the RS PLUS funding allowed me to participate in one of the largest conferences in the field of optics: the Photonics West in San Francisco, USA. I successfully presented my research in holographic microscopy to international experts in this field. In addition, I were able to meet colleagues from the well known University of California in Berkeley, visit their laboratories and discuss current topics in our research. / Photonik und Terahertztechnologie / /
Stockholm, Sweden Stockholm University, / History conference visit Goering, D. Timothy doctoral researcher Outgoing SWE With the support of the Research School PLUS I was able to travel to Stockholm to present a paper at an international conference on historical methodology. I presented some of my research to an international group and received valuable feedback. Additionally I was able to meet very interesting people with whom I will stay in touch. After the conference at Stockholm University, I then traveled to the University of Gothenburg. A collegue invited me to give a talk at the colloquium of the Institute for the History of Ideas. This was an intensive and very productive time for me, because the colloquium read a paper I am planning to get published soon and gave me helpful feedback. / Historical Institute / /
Gothenburg, Sweden University of Gothenburg, / History research stay Goering, D. Timothy doctoral researcher Outgoing SWE With the support of the Research School PLUS I was able to travel to Stockholm to present a paper at an international conference on historical methodology. I presented some of my research to an international group and received valuable feedback. Additionally I was able to meet very interesting people with whom I will stay in touch. After the conference at Stockholm University, I then traveled to the University of Gothenburg. A collegue invited me to give a talk at the colloquium of the Institute for the History of Ideas. This was an intensive and very productive time for me, because the colloquium read a paper I am planning to get published soon and gave me helpful feedback. / Historical Institute / /
Hot Springs, United States /, Wind Cave National Park Geosciences field research Gomell, Annika doctoral researcher Outgoing USA From November 1 to 23, 2018, I conducted climatological studies including the measurements of air temperature, air flow, humidity and air pressure in Wind Cave, Jewel Cave and other caves in the Black Hills in South Dakota, USA. The obtained data will serve as the basis for my dissertation project and thus help me to understand the microcli mate of barometric caves as well as underlying speleological processes. During my time in South Dakota I worked together with Wind Cave National Park and Jewel Cave National Monument, which will be able to use my findings in order to preserve the caves and associated sensitiveecosystems. / / / /
Kyoto, Japan /, Kyoto International Conference Center Medicine conference visit Gonzalez Fernandez de Liencres, Cristina doctoral researcher Outgoing JPN / / / /
Dortmund, Germany /, European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Medicine conference visit Gonzalez Fernandez de Liencres, Cristina doctoral researcher Outgoing DEU From the 7th until the 10th of May, 2014, I attended the 2nd European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (ESCAN) Conference in Dortmund. The conference focused on human studies relevant to affect, behavior and cognition. Attending the ESCAN conference has given me great insights into topics relevant for my work, from empathy-related processes in humans and other animals, to studies focusing on electroencephalography (EEG), to new ideas and solutions for my ongoing research. I could benefit from the symposia, the plenary lectures and the poster sessions, and equally important, I could profit from the coffee and lunch breaks to expand my scientific network. I have thus met numerous researchers from Germany and from abroad who have contributed to the development of ideas for my thesis work as well as expanded the possibilities for future collaborations. / / / /
Jersey, United Kingdom /, / Philology research stay Gorska, Katarzyna doctoral researcher Outgoing GBR / / Institute for Media Studies / /
Paris, France /, Maison Européenne de la Photographie Philology research stay Gorska, Katarzyna doctoral researcher Outgoing FRA / Institute for Media Studies / /
Caen, France /, / Philology research stay Gorska, Katarzyna doctoral researcher Outgoing FRA / / Institute for Media Studies / /
Chaloklum, Thailand /, COREsea, Center for Oceanic Research and Education | South East Asia Biology and Biotechnology field research Gösser, Fabian doctoral researcher Outgoing THA My PhD project is focused on a stress response of scleractinian corals, the so called “polyp bailout”. The financial support of the RUB Research School Plus enabled me to conduct field research from July to September 2019 at the COREsea Research station on Koh Phangan, Thailand, where I experimented on a multitude of coral genera collected at the reefs surrounding the island. Not only could I deepen my understanding of this specialized stress response, but the collected data will also be an integral part of my dissertation and will hopefully be published in a scientific journal. I am grateful for the opportunity that the Research School gave me and the experience and impressions I made. / / / /
Suzhou, China /, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Biology and Biotechnology conference visit Gottschling, Christine doctoral researcher Outgoing CHN The Research School Plus provided me with financial support, so that I was able to take part in the Cold Spring Harbor Asia meeting 'GTPases: Mechanisms, Interactions and Applications', which took place in Suzhou in China in September 2014. The conference was a great opportunity for me to get in contact with many international experts in the field of GTPases. Through presenting a poster, I was able to introduce my preliminary results in a professional environment. The subsequent discussions after poster presentation and during the whole conference gave me new ideas for my ongoing project. All in all, it was a great chance for me to visit the Cold Spring Asia Harbor meeting. / Department of Cell Morphology and Molecular Neurobiology / /
Les Diablerets, Switzerland /, Gordon Research Conference Chemistry and Biochemistry conference visit Gottschling, Kevin doctoral researcher Outgoing CHE / / / /
Georgia, United States Georgia Institute of Technology, / Civil and Environmental Engineering research stay Goudarzy Akhore, Meisam doctoral researcher Outgoing USA / / / /
Cambridge, United Kingdom /, Is-Cambridge Conference Civil and Environmental Engineering conference visit Goudarzy Akhore, Meisam doctoral researcher Outgoing GBR I participated on the International Symposium on Geo-mechanics from Micro to Macro (IS-Cambridge 2014), which was held from 1st to 3rd of September in Cambridge. Beside of the interesting presentations the participants were able to meet and discuss with numerous experts from all over the world - among them also Professor Andrew N. Schofield. The symposium was held at the Engineering Department of the University of Cambridge, while the conference dinner took place at King's College. I had a paper in this conference and I presnted it on second day of conferences. Besid of the presentation of my paper I met professor Santamarina who is the reviewer of my phD thesis and we had a discussion there / / / /
Palpa, Peru /, / History field research Gräfingholt, Benedikt doctoral researcher Outgoing PER / / Intitute for Archeology / /
Lacco Ameno (Ischia), Italy /, Museo Archeologico di Pithekoussae History field research Granser, Eike doctoral researcher Outgoing ITA During my two stays on Ischia in the Gulf of Naples I had the opportunity to examine X-ray-analysis with bronze-objects called “Fibule”. These objects have been imported or locally produced on Ischia. The diffusion of object-designs gives us a preliminary impression of the connectivity in the Iron Aged italic peninsula. The aim of my project was to understand the composition of the alloy of the “Fibule”, to understand which objects have been imported or locally made. I analysed more than two hundred pieces in the deposit of the Museo Archeologicodi Pithecuae . Within my