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- Infosession Research Career Opportunities for Postdocs
Infosession Postdoc Opportunities in Research: Different Career Steps, Academic Profile & Funding Possibilities
Dr. Christiane Wüllner & Dr. Ursula Justus, RUB Research School
29.01.2025, 10:00 – 12:00 h online by Zoom
The infosession is dedicated to Postdocs at the beginning of their career and doctoral researchers in the last year of their doctorate who already started planning a Postdoc career.
The infosession provides an overview over the most important strategic aspects of a research career (in Germany). It aims to enhance an early strategic career planning for Postdocs by offering comprehensive information about:
- the (German) career system in research
- different career steps from early Postdoc to a professorship
- developing an individual and competitive academic profile
- mobility and international visibility and experience – in- and outside Germany
- funding possibilities for Postdocs from postdoc positions to own positions and funding opportunities for international mobility by own third-party funding
- overview over funding programmes for Postdocs
The infosession also explicitly addresses the Gateway Fellowship of RUB Research School. Therefore, we highly recommend researchers who would like to apply for this funding line on 28.02.2025 to participate in the infosession.
Doctoral researchers who are interested early in their doctorate to gain knowledge about a research career (in Germany) are most welcome to participate in the yearly Research Career Day.
REGISTRATION | Registration deadline 27.01.2025
The next infosession will be on 23.07.2025.