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- Funded conferences before 2020
PR.INT Conference Organization
Conferences funded until 2020
Until 2020, numerous conferences organized by PhD students have already been funded at RUB Research School. They are a reflection of the great diversity of disciplines on campus. The conference funding has quickly developed into an important funding instrument and has strengthened the exchange of doctoral researchers with central scientists in their research fields, but also among themselves. The following list shows which events were supported.
First name | Last name | Faculty | Start | End | Title of the event |
Janosch | Steuwer | History | 01.10.2013 | 30.08.2014 | »Reflections of the Self and the World. Diaries in 20th Century History and Historiography |
Anna | Klabunde | Economics | 05.03.2014 | 07.03.2014 | 2014 ESSA@work |
Anja | Ehrkamp | Chemistry and Biochemistry | 11.09.2014 | 13.09.2014 | Perspectives of Molecular Neuroscience in Health and Disease |
D. Timothy | Goering | History | 15.09.2014 | 16.09.2014 | Philosophy, Theory and History in Germany |
Moritz (et al.) | Hannemann (et al.) | Philology | 28.09.2014 | 28.09.2014 | In-Between |
D. Timothy | Goering | History | 17.11.2014 | 19.11.2014 | Intellectual History. Traditions and Perspectives |
Anna/Ulrike | Sieben/Gatzemeier | Social Science | 08.01.2015 | 10.01.2015 | Feminist and queer research perspectives for psychology |
Marcus | Böick | History | 20.02.2015 | 21.02.2015 | A “Trend” without a “Turn”? Towards new Perspectives on Writing the History of Organizations |
Jana | Bleckmann | Philosophy and Educational Research | 16.07.2015 | 17.07.2015 | Plato's Other Soul's - Appetite, Spirit and Other Non-Rational Soul Powers |
Caner | Tekin | History | 09.09.2015 | 10.09.2015 | Creating European Identity through History: Representations of the Past in Contemporary European Politics |
Krzysztof | Dolega | Philosophy and Educational Research | 21.09.2015 | 23.09.2015 | Mental Representations: The Foundation of Cognitive Science? |
Janina | Kudaibergen | Philology | 29.10.2015 | 30.10.2015 | Neue Formen subalterner Literatur? Die cartonera-Verlage als Plattform für marginalisierte Stimmen |
Pascale Melanie | Willemsen | Philosophy and Educational Research | 26.11.2015 | 28.11.2015 | First Workshop of the Experimental Philosphy Group Germany |
Marc | Zimmermanns | Electrical Engineering and Information Technology | 14.03.2016 | 16.03.2016 | German Microwave Conference (GeMiC) |
Thorsten | Kranz | Mathematics | 23.03.2016 | 24.03.2016 | Connecting Symmetric Cryptographers (CSC) - Workshop for Symmetric Cryptographers at the Start of Their Academic Career |
Anna-Marikje | Abelmann-Brockmann | History | 01.06.2016 | 03.06.2016 | A Player and not just a Payer? |
Benjamin | Weiner | Social Science | 06.06.2016 | 10.06.2016 | Descriptive and analytical approaches in science & technological studies |
Matthias | Weber | History | 14.07.2016 | 15.07.2016 | Investigating High Middle Ages |
Marian | Helm | History | 02.09.2016 | 03.09.2016 | Spoils in the Early Roman Republic |
Katharina | Behmer | Law | 21.09.2016 | 22.09.2016 | Protecting the Unprotected – Humanitarian Action and Human Rights after the WHS |
Marcel | Schmeer | History | 01.02.2017 | 29.09.2017 | Contested Organizations”. Changes, Conflicts and Communication in 20th century organizational historiography: empirical and theoretical perspectives |
Giulia | Gortanutti | Social Science | 05.04.2017 | 07.04.2017 | International Conference on Cross-Movement Mobilization |
Jesse | Heyninck | Philosophy and Educational Research | 15.05.2017 | 17.05.2017 | PhDs in Logic |
Judith | Martens | Philosophy and Educational Research | 19.05.2017 | 20.05.2017 | Recent Developments in Mind and Language (Rutgers-University Workshop) |
Maximilian | Gebhard | Chemistry and Biochemistry | 10.06.2017 | 10.06.2017 | netWORK2shop: Networking for PhD students at a jont conference |
Anne Marie | Borg | Philosophy and Educational Research | 18.07.2017 | 19.07.2017 | Workshop on Formal Models of Scientific Inquiry |
Lisa | Klocke | History | 20.07.2017 | 21.07.2017 | High Middle Ages - Continuities and Changes |
Marian | Helm | History | 14.09.2017 | 15.09.2017 | Spoils in the Middle Roman Republic – An Economy of Plunde |
Sebastian | Wuschka | Law | 15.09.2017 | 16.09.2017 | Zeit und Internationales Recht |
Astrid | Gesper | Chemistry and Biochemistry | 22.09.2017 | 24.09.2017 | Novel tools to investigate cellular physiology at the nanoscale |
Anna Lena | Caspari | East Asian Studies | 04.10.2017 | 05.10.201 | Voices from East Asia: Civil Society Actors in Environmental Protection, Sustainable Development and Humanitarian Assistance Governance (International Conference) |
Lukas | Groß | Law | 05.04.2018 | 06.04.2018 | Young Research Network Meeting 'Disability Rights – Future concepts and research from a human rights perspective' |
Philipp | Hanke | Philology | 24.04.2018 | 26.04.2018 | Queer Temporalities and Media Aesthetics |
Robert | Schütze | Philology | 07.06.2018 | 09.06.2018 | Money. Interdiscursive economies in Grimmelshausen |
Friederike | Pfister | History | 14.06.2018 | 16.06.2018 | Foreign Knowledge – Medieval Attitudes towards the Unknown |
Marian | Helm | History | 18.09.2018 | 21.09.2018 | Spoils in the Roman Republic – Boon and Bane |
Anne | Siebert | IEE | 08.11.2018 | 09.11.2018 | IEE PhD Conference on International Development |
Pia | Goebel | History | 08.11.2018 | 10.11.2018 | AGAINSTDOCUMENTATION |
Nathalie | Eleyth | Protestant Theology | 09.11.2018 | 09.11.2018 | Kritische Sexarbeitsforschung |
Saskia | Geisler | History | 14.11.2018 | 16.11.2018 | State-Led Modernization – a Tool to Analyze and Explain Wider Developments |
Anna Lena | Caspari | East Asian Studies | 05.12.2018 | 06.12.2018 | Voices from East Asia 2.0: The Dual Challenge of Shrinking Civic Space and Disseminating East Asian Perspectives Globally |
Krzysztof | Dolega | Philosophy and Educational Research | 25.01.2019 | 26.01.2019 | Predictive Processing, Consciousness, and Self |
Julia | Wolf | Philosophy and Educational Research | 18.03.2019 | 19.03.2019 | 4th Bochum-Rutgers Workshop in Philosophy |
Dominik | Beyer | Biology and Biotechnology | 21.03.2019 | 22.03.2019 | Animal Models of Affective Disorders |
Elmarie | Venter | Philosophy and Educational Research | 23.05.2019 | 24.05.2019 | Bochum Early Career Workshop in Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science |
Christopher | Badura | Philosophy | 27.06.2019 | 28.06.2019 | Imagination, Fiction, and Epistemology |
Maike | Gruchot | Mathematics | 19.08.2019 | 23.08.2019 | Perspectives on Linear Algebraic Groups |
Robin | Ramsahye | Law | 14.11.2019 | 15.11.2019 | Forced Migration in Transition: Perspectives from Social Science and Law |
Matej | Kohar | Philosophy and Educational Research | 28.11.2019 | 29.11.2019 | Representations and mechanisms in cognitive neuroscience and psychology |
Fiza Lee | Malhorta | IEE | 28.11.2019 | 29.11.2019 | Global Refugee Protection in the age of Securitization: A Tough Balancing Act Between |
Alexander | Wiegmann | Philosophy and Educational Research | 24.02.2020 | 25.01.2020 | Experimental philosophy of Language and Metaethics |