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Guidelines & Documents
On this page you can download important documents for your doctorate and / or your cooperation with RUB Research School.
General information
- Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practice. Code of Conduct
- Leitlinien zur Sicherung guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis
- Ordnung der RUB Research School
- Einschreibungsordnung der RUB
- Allgemeine Promotionsordnung der RUB
- Antragsformular Nachteilsausgleich Promotion
- General Doctorate Regulations of Ruhr-Universität Bochum
RUB Research School Logo
Please contact us if you would like to use our logo for posters, flyers, event announcements or on websites!
Research Around the World
- Request for an advanced payment
- Travel reimbursement No 1
- Travel reimbursement No 2
- Travel reimbursement No 3
- Price list for accommodation
- Expenditure guide
Conference Organization