RUB Research School

Research for all

Offers in Public Engagement & Knowledge Transfer

We support you in communicating your research results to a non-scientific public and in bringing your research into society. You want to interest non-university stakeholders in your research, perhaps even develop new ideas together with non-experts, and make your research knowledge useful for complex social contexts outside of research?

Our offers enable you to:

  • reflect on your responsibility and role as a researcher in society
  • define tasks and goals at the interface of research and society
  • develop strategies for communicating your research outside the research community
  • acquire competencies for public engagement and knowledge transfer
  • discuss the relevance of public engagement and knowledge transfer for your career

The interdisciplinary and practical courses on public engagement and knowledge transfer provide strategies and competencies to communicate your research publicly and to exchange ideas with non-scientific stakeholders. You can discover possible potentials of your research for knowledge transfer and work out how to communicate your research outside research.

We offer workshops on science communication in the Postdoc workshop programme of Research Academy Ruhr:

Workshops and Registration

Qualifikationsprogramm für Wissenschaftler*innen, Mitarbeitende im Bochumer Stadtkonzern und Interessierte aus der UniverCity Bochum, um wissenschaftliche und kommunale Expertise an der Schnittstelle von Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft kooperativ einbringen zu können. Ein Programm aller Bochumer Hochschulen und der Stadt Bochum im Rahmen des UniverCity Netzwerks:

ausführliche Informationen zum Programm


Cooperation with World Factory RUB

For our offers in knowledge transfer we cooperate with World Factory RUB. World Factory RUB bridges the gap between research and application and supports researchers in bringing their research into practice.

Video Tutorials, Guidelines & Best Practice

SCISO - Science with Society: Video tutorials on science ethics and science communication
(Global Young Academy & NaWikfunded by Volkswagen Foundation):
YouTube Channel

NaWik - Nationales Institut für Wissenschaftskommunikation:
YouTube Channel

Praxisempfehlungen zu kritischen Interaktionssituationen in der Wissenschaftskommunikation

Scicomm-Support - Anlaufstelle bei Angriffen und unsachlichen Konflikten in der Wissenschaftskommunikation

DFG Video Series Science Communication:

Further Information

BMBF policy paper:
Science communication

Information and discussion portal:

German science initiative:

Public Engagement & Open Science

Public Engagement in Science is part of Open Science with the aim to involve scientists and non-scientific actors in the discussion about benefits and risks of science and to integrate non-university partners in the research discussion.