RUB Research School

Lore Agnes Fellowship

Supporting female postdocs with children

The Lore Agnes Fellowship has been established to support international female postdoctoral researchers with children. It is endowed with 2,300 € per month for a research stay at RUB for up to six months. We want to encourage this target group to come to Bochum with their entire family and, thus, support the already demanding life of a researching parent as best as we can.

This fellowship is funded by means that we were able to raise through the Lore Agnes Program. By supporting selected projects, RUB's rector honors the commitment of faculties, chairs, departments, divisions, and institutions in the field of equality.

A broad network of closely cooperating institutions and services will help to make the stay as pleasant and profitable as possible:

Best Practice Example

First fellow receives Humboldt fellowship

Congratulations to our first Lore Agnes Fellow Dr. Emanuela Garatti! She was awarded a prestigious Alexander von Humboldt Postdoc Fellowship and was able to expand her stay to 30 months. She gave an in-depth interview to our university's communications department you can read here and a very charming interview in a feature by CERES you can watch on

RUB Welcome Centre: Always there when it comes to finding an accommodation, visa isues, authorities visits, opening bank account, etc.

Child Care: RUB has two kindergartens on campus and our staff will help on all matters regarding family issues.

Women Professors Forum: RUB's female professors will help to find a female mentor who will provide her knowledge and network

Department of Research: Staff will gladly advise on choosing and applying for various international and national funding bodies to realize a longer postdoc stay (or more) at RUB.

RUB Research School: Take part in our broad qualification and interdisciplinary event program tailored to the specific needs of doctoral and postdoctoral researchers.


RUB Research School grants one Lore-Agnes-Fellowship per year with a monthly payment of 2,300 €. The individual funding period may last up to 6 months.


International female postdoctoral researcher with child(ren) from all fields and countries are welcome to apply.

Review Criteria

  • academic performance
  • quality of the application, in particular the prospect of submitting an application for their own research funding (Humboldt, DFG, and alike) during the stay.
  • quality of nomination letter by hosting researcher 

Review Process

Two of RUB's postdoctoral researchers, one subject-specific and one non-subject specific, will review the application. RUB Research School's Executive Board finally decides about the fellowship based on the reviews and its own evaluation.


Annual application deadlline is November 15.


Please send your application to Joern Benzinger and attach:

  • A CV of the candidate
  • Proof of academic excellence
  • Nomination letter by hosting researcher
  • Application form