RUB Research School

Successful Communication and Cooperation

Workshops: Writing, Presenting, Communicating

Your research expertise and personal skills make you successful in research. To contribute to a scientific discussion, you share your research knowledge and results within your research community, you pass on your knowledge to others, you cooperate with different researchers and participate in the latest research discussions.

We support you through professional workshops in enhancing your personal skills to convincingly communicate your research: for your publications, the posters you present, the talks you give, or the discussions you have in your own research environment. In the workshops, you will develop individual competencies enabling you to effectivley communicate your research and to collaborate with other researchers.

The workshops combine state-of-the-art knowledge with practical experience. The trainers are highly professional experts in their fields and share their knowledge and experience. You will find workshops on basic and advanced levels and some for different research fields. We offer workshops in English and German. You are invited to decide for yourself which workshops are interesting for your personal competence development:

Workshops March - July 2024 (registration open 08.02.2024)

Workshop titleResearch FieldLevel  of experiencesDate
Wr_01: ONLINE Expanding Academic WritingDoctoral researchers Life, Natural & Engineering Sciences Level all12.-14.03.2024
Wr_02: ONLINE Writing academic papers for peer-reviewed journalsDoctoral researchers all research fieldsLevel all20.-21.03.2024
Wr_03: ONLINE Selbstorganisation beim wissenschaftlichen Schreiben Promovierende Geistes- und SozialwissenschaftenLevel alle15.04.2024
Wr_04: ONLINE Revision strategies for publications & academic texts in EnglishResearchers all research fields with current scientific writing project 18.-19.04.2024 
Wr_05: ONLINE Optimizing writing strategies for publishing research in EnglishDoctoral researchers Life, Natural & Engineering Sciences Level all15.-17.05.2024
Wr_06: PRÄSENZ+ONLINE Den Einstieg in die Dissertation schaffen und losschreiben - Prozessbegleitender SchreibworkshopPromovierende alle ForschungsbereicheAnfangsphase Schreiben Dissertation17.06. + 24.06.  + 08.07.  + 15.07.2024 
Wr_07: ONLINE Boost your reading skills for your writing: reading scientific literature efficientlyDoctoral researchers all research fields Level all24.-25.06. + 27.06.2024 (4 hrs each day)
Wr_08: ONLINE Techniken der TextplanungPromovierende Geistes- und SozialwissenschaftenLevel alle10.07.2024

Workshops September - December 2024 (registration open 03.06.2024)

Workshop titleResearch FieldLevel  of experiencesDate
Wr_18: ONLINE Schreibstrategien für wissenschaftliche TextePromovierende Geistes- und SozialwissenschaftenLevel alle05.09.2024
Wr_19: ONLINE Boost your reading skills for your writing: reading scientific literature efficientlyDoctoral researchers all research fields Level all09.-10.09. + 12.09.2024 (4 hrs each day)
Wr_10: ONLINE Writing academic papers for peer-reviewed journalsDoctoral researchers all research fieldsLevel all10.-11.09.2024
Wr_11: ONLINE Expanding Academic WritingResearchers Life, Natural & Engineering SciencesLevel all24.-26.09.2024
Wr_12: ONLINE Den Absprung schaffen und die Dissertation abschließen - Prozessbegleitender SchreibworkshopPromovierende alle ForschungsbereicheAbschlußphase beim Schreiben Dissertation14.10. +  21.10. + 28.10. + 11.11. + 18.11.2024 (jeweils 3 Std.)
Wr_13: ONLINE Getting Published by Mastering Peer ReviewDoctoral researchers all research fieldsLevel all14.-15.10.2024
Wr_14: ONLINE Techniken der TextüberarbeitungPromovierende Geistes- und SozialwissenschaftenLevel alle06.11.2024
Wr_15: ONLINE Optimizing writing strategies for publishing research in EnglishDoctoral researchers Life, Natural & Engineering SciencesLevel all06.-08.11.2024
Wr_16: ONLINE Revision strategies for publications & academic texts in EnglishDoctoral researchers all research fieldswith current scientific writing project12.-13.11.2024
Wr_17: PRESENCE How to write your papers and thesesDoctoral researchers life and natural sciencesLevel all21.-22.11.2024



Workshops March - July 2024 (registration open 08.02.2024)

Workshop title Research Field Level  of experiences Date
Pr_01: ONLINE Designing Effective Academic Posters: Clear at glance! Doctoral researchers all research fields Level all 13.03.2024
Pr_02: ONLINE Wissenschaftliche Poster wirkungsvoll gestalten und überzeugend präsentieren Promovierende alle Forschungsbereiche Level alle 16.04. (6 Std.) + 23.04.2024 (3 Std.)
Pr_03: ONLINE+PRESENCE Getting your presentations right: perform with confidence Doctoral researchers Life, Natural & Engineering Sciences  Level alle 23.-24.04. online + 25.04.2024 in presence
Pr_04: PRESENCE Scientific presentation and individual performance: Make a lasting impression in science Doctoral researchers Life, Natural & Engineering Sciences  first presentation experience 13.-15.05.2024
Pr_05: PRESENCE Taking your scientific presentation to a higher level! Doctoral researchers all research fields with presentation experience 27.06.2

Workshops September - December 2024 (registration open 03.06.2024)

Workshop title Research Field Level  of experiences Date
Pr_06: PRESENCE Scientific presentation and individual performance: Make a lasting impression in science Researchers Life, Natural & Engineering Sciences first presentation experience 16. - 18.09.2024
Pr_07: PRÄSENZ Eigene Forschung handgezeichnet visualisieren: Zeichentechnik lernen Promovierende alle Forschungsbereiche Level alle 23.09.2024
Pr_08: PRESENCE Getting your presentations right: perfom with confidence Researchers Life, Natural & Engineering Sciences Level all 24.-26.09.2024
Pr_09: ONLINE Effective Visual Communication of Research  Doctoral researchers all research fields Level all 17.10.2024 (4 hrs online workshop &  individual time for self-study modules)
Pr_10: ONLINE Wissenschaftliche Poster zielgerichtet konzipieren und wirkungsvoll gestalten: Auf einen Blick verständlich! Promovierende alle Forschungsbereiche Level alle 14.11.2024
Pr_11: ONLINE+PRESENCE Reaching your audience and performing with confidence - Presentation Training Doctoral researchers all research fields Level all + 28.-29.11.2024 in presence 

Workshops September - December 2024 (registration open 03.06.2024)

Workshop title Research Field Level  of experiences Date
Com_01: PRÄSENZ Meine Forschung logisch und nachvollziehbar erklären: Begründen und Argumentieren Promovierende alle Forschungsbereiche Level alle 17.-18.09.2024
Com_02: PRESENCE Communication in Critical Situations Doctoral researchers all research fields Level all 24.-25.10.2024
Com_03: PRÄSENZ Professionelle Kommunikation: erfolgreich und überzeugend Promovierende alle Forschungsbereiche Level alle 25.-27.11.2024

Courses in literature search, literature management, Open Access are offered by the University Library of RUB.

Language Courses in different languages incl. German as Foreign Language are offered by the University Language Center of RUB.

New: Online self-study modules for German learners with no previous knowledge (at level A0/A1) The key information are available at

Your Feedback Matters

Our participants regularly evaluate our workshops and we only continue those that are highly recommended. This allows us to develop our program according to your needs and demands and we are always open to your suggestions and wishes.