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Our Funding Offers for Incoming Researchers
Hello and welcome! We probably met at the GAIN24 conference in San Francisco or at another event. This website was created especially for you as a young scientist interested in research at Ruhr University Bochum. Click on the pictures below to explore our various funding possibilities to visit us. You can find our contact details on the right-hand side if you have questions.
Writing Grant for Early Postdocs
3-months fellowship to write your grant proposal with us at RUB
Travel Grant for Advanced Postdocs
Visit us to discover our (research) environment
Summer Academy for Early Postdocs
2-week training for writing grant proposals
More Information on
>>Research at RUB
Everything you need to know about where research is done at RUB
>>Career and Funding Opportunities
Everything you need to know about potential career paths and more incoming funding lines
>>Services for Incoming Researchers
Everything you need to know when planning your visit or onboarding
>>Our International Network
Everything you need to know about our global partners and collaborations