RUB Research School

Many Disciplines - one Research Focus

SYLFF-Mikrokolleg on "Forced Migration"

The RUB Research School cooperates with the Tokio Foundation to present you a Mikrokolleg within the Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund (SYLFF) on the topic of forced migration.

Starting in 2017, the fellows are part of a small, highly interdisciplinary research group and work on individual doctoral projects within different research perspectives under the overarching topic of forced migration. The Mikrokolleg is located at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum and professors from different disciplines such as economics, law, political science or sociology focus on interdisciplinary cooperation.

The fellows of the SYLFF-Mikrokolleg work on a variety of aspects related to international forced migration which is understood as a cross-border “migratory movement in which an element of coercion exists, including threats to life and livelihood, whether arising from natural or man-made causes” (International Organisation for Migration).

All fellows are members of RUB Research School which provides an international research and social environment to support the fellows' academic and non-academic future careers. The fellows are eligible to apply for additional funding of RUB Research School and the Tokio Foundation, such as for field research and conference organisation.

Sylff-Mikrokolleg: Fellows & Associates

Get to know the members of SYLFF Mikrokolleg

Former members of SYLFF Mikrokolleg

Learn more about the former members of SYLFF Mikrokolleg

Your contact:

Dr. Sarah Gemicioglu

Related links
  • RUB Mailinglist on migration (Flucht und Migration)
  • Interactive Map on refugee research made by the Bonn International Center for Conversion (Bicc) in collaboration with the “Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies”.
    The Sylff-Mikrokolleg is also listed in this map.
Latest news of the Sylff Mikrokolleg

December 2024

Workshop on science communication on December 10-11.

All news of the Sylff Mikrokolleg

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